
Why remain insular, Sri Lankans?



The world has become interconnected with the Internet. People can search and easily find out the latest political trends. I am suggesting the Sri Lanka government, along with the elite political classes, have a great responsibility to be aware of events and political trends in the outside world. There are both hostile undercurrents and trends, and friendly undercurrents in the outside world. Sri Lanka needs to know who its friends are and do nothing to lose that friendship. Sri Lanka cannot afford to lose friends!

This applies especially so to our government and political classes. They need to be well informed of trends, political currents and what the big influential countries are saying and doing! They also need to be able to distinguish between factual reporting and fake news. Sri Lankan newspapers have ‘Op-eds’ by westerners, which seem to me often biased or even plain wrong. This is why good information and analysis by journalists is badly needed in Sri Lanka. This balanced information and analysis should then be absorbed by the political classes. They should not simply make assumptions and make unprepared remarks and public statements. To be effective, all Sri Lankans need to be united in their thinking, aware, and not misinformed.

The recent impounding of the Russian aircraft by the Sri Lankan authorities has highlighted the need for Sri Lankans to become more aware of undercurrents surrounding events and developments outside the country. Everyone should get a good understanding and knowledge of the Major world powers, and what they are saying and doing. We must be more aware of events and their consequences to avoid any more disasters like this Russian aircraft. Russia has proven herself to be a friend and a rich uncle to Sri Lanka, one who is willing to share with us – but then we go and do this! It is another case of mismanagement by those who are well paid to manage our affairs – well!

Everyone should know that there are large amounts of fake news pumped out. Why? Because it is profitable! Catchy headlines and scare headlines make people thirsty to want to know more – so they watch the propaganda channels, and this in turn increases the channel ratings, and they can claim more revenue from their advertising. And it also can benefit those who create these false narratives for the purpose of pursuing an agenda or harming someone – like Donald Trump who was US President at the time. Now, to sort your way through all this news and propaganda and identify what is true has become difficult.

This is where good analysis, comment and journalistic reporting is essential. Sri Lankans must be well informed for both events and trends, within Sri Lanka, but also of the outside world. Among all the rubbish, there are excellent reporting and analysis sites on news about the war in Ukraine, on the internet. But you need to know English, and also the slang, and abbreviations used to fully understand it. Try reading: ‘The Dreizin Report’; Moon of Alabama, Reminiscence of the Future.  Try listening to commentary by Alex Mercuris, Alexei Martyanov; and RT Crosstalk; RT News – all found on YouTube. They give factual accounts with no propaganda. Crosstalk interviews world class experts and investigators.

Have a broad outlook
on the world!

PH Kandy

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