What a Thrashathon!
By Rajitha Ratwatte
A wonderful description (methinks) for the media feeding frenzy, sparked off by fading talk show hostess, an obscure soap opera actress with a rather lost and bewildered-looking genuine prince stuck in the middle. Piers Morgan, who uttered those memorable words is no longer in his job, but should rest assured that his words are gold.
Yours truly is a Royalist in almost every sense of the word, not ashamed to admit it. I even went to the right school! I firmly believe that a Royal Family is the main reason why Japan came out of a world war and parts of the country decimated by nuclear bombs, Thailand has come out of many economic downturns and even Nepal (despite that Royal family’s best attempts to self-destruct) have pulled through some rather tough times. Of course, the Middle East has many examples of economic success and social discipline attributable to Royals in some way or form, as well as do certain Countries in Europe. By a Royal Family, I mean trained, born and bred Royals not self-appointed Royals or even those appointed by sycophantic members of the public or the press. In the Pearl we even had an attempt by those who went to the school and called themselves Royalists, having a go at running the Country. A spectacular failure by all accounts.A Royal Family gives stability and someone other than a politician for the people to set their standards by. They do not have to please a voter and they set standards that even the most ardent anti royalists have to admit, people do try to emulate. Of course, there are spectacular failures but that only serves to show that they too are human.
Now, we are told that no money changed hands from the fading hostess and her company to the obscure actress. However, the filthy lucre raked in by the television networks and the media Moghuls involved were spectacular and continue to be so. And we do know that there are things like book contracts and other related methods of collecting funds needed to nurture expensive lifestyles that will definitely be involved. So, if there was no direct financial gain why was this whole exercise carried out? We have established the need for fame and brightening of a fading star but, to set about trying to decimate a family that used to rule an empire to make “public” certain inner workings that the general populace, supposedly knew nothing about? What rubbish!
We know the British Empire was run on racial grounds. The White man was made out to be superior to the black and brown people in EVERY way. Everything was segregated including toilets not to mention education, transport and of course jobs. I have heard stories from the last generation of Ceylonese when they stopped off in South Africa, on their way by ship to Old Blighty, being totally shocked by having to use toilets designated for black people onshore. The same happened in America. How come, a (possible) discussion on the speculated colour of an expected new member based on the fact that his mother had mixed blood causes such an uproar? The conversation even if it happened may have been taken out of context. To be honest, since I live in a foreign country and if I had a son or daughter who married someone of another colour, I may have speculated in private, if the skin colour of any grandchild may be different to my own skin colour. It may have been mere curiosity and not based on any racial grounds. On the other hand, how can such comments if indeed they did originate, from a family just one generation away from open racism and running an empire based on racism, surprise or shock people?
This is sensationalism, outweighing reality. The reality is what our decedents should be taught not the cow manure that passes for journalism today. Yes, we “coloured” people were considered inferior, and the fact of the matter is that Black Lives Matter and the last vestiges of apartheid are still being debated in the world today.
I feel sorry for the Prince. An absolutely traumatic childhood punctuated by the shenanigans of his parents. The lovely mother, again a lost soul and hounded by the press, to her death. A father who probably never wanted to be in the marriage that the Prince was a progeny of. Openly showing his preference for another woman. A nightmare childhood in a family nay, an institution, that believed in the “stiff upper lip” of the British Raj. Absolutely vulnerable and a sitting duck for an obscure bit-part actress, with an agenda, maybe? Especially since it is alleged that no phycological help of any sort is available and was even less so in the past. Am I being too harsh, I really wonder? It is a possible scenario, isn’t it?Talking of the Institution or the Firm that seems to be the catchphrase for the family concerned, most of the blame seems to be on the Royal advisors and such. Now, this may simply be the work of spin doctors and then again it may be justified. Be that as it may, I reiterate that the product (the lost prince) of a loveless marriage and a life at the hands of emotionless lackeys would have been and probably still is, vulnerable. Of course, all you Women’s rights activists and other assorted liberals will no doubt have much to say in defence of the actress. I wish your efforts much success.
I hope even now that the Prince finds mental peace and contentment and has a successful family life. Although I have my doubts.