
Water spillage from reservoirs: Is CEB to blame? Let’s examine facts



Let me thank Chris Ratnayaka for his authoritative explanation in the above titled article in The Island of 16 Dec., educating those who misunderstood or were ignorant of the issue. Is CEB to blame? Let’s examine the factsTo maintain and justify their action the Ministry for Power or CEB should have responded, failure had made readers believe their accusations were correct or justifiable. The Ministry for Power and CEB should thank Chris Ratnayaka, who was an engineer at the CEB and later became Senior Power Engineer at the World Bank for the explanation absolving the CEB of the blame. On a personal note, I knew Chris when he was attached to the Ministry of Power and Energy and appreciate his dedication to serving the CEB and maintaining high professional standards. He has returned to his motherland, bringing with him loads of knowledge and experience gained and is imparting that knowledge for the benefit of the country, especially the CEB as can be seen from his article. It is very seldom that the Sri Lankans who migrate to developed countries return home. I am sure Chris will help revamp the power sector.

G. A. D. Sirimal


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