Vaccination a la Sri Lanka
I am an elderly person, well over 60 years of age, still not even able to find out where to go for my Covid vaccination, let alone get it!
Let me compare Sri Lanka’s Colombo mob, to their counterparts elsewhere on the planet. Let me also ask the authorities concerned who was responsible for the shambolic, disorganized, corrupt distribution of the vaccine in Colombo.
We will never know. Nor will we know why, unlike ALL other countries in the World, persons over 60 were refused priority, countermanding the original decision of the Health Ministry. It’s rumoured that the Health Authorities were “overruled” from the top”. Again, a la Sri Lanka.
Please also allow me to vent my anger against the “Authorities” – (whose Health Minister is on leave of absence following, herbal treatment against Covid).
By contrast, in the USA, 75-year-old iconic Country Music singer, Dolly Parton, took the Covid shot, in front of TV cameras, as an encouragement to others. When asked why she’d delayed several days, despite being on a priority list, she explained that she didn’t want to be perceived as having ‘jumped the queue’.
Contrast this attitude to the mentality of our vulgar Colombo “elite” –(?)- who not only perfect the art of queue jumping, but having done so, shamelessly brag of their deviousness.
There’s a reason why we call ourselves “A land like no other!”