US Lawmaker Deborah Ross wants USG to acknowledge Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka
Tamil United Political Action Committee of the United States on May 18, 2022, apart from meeting US State Department officials in Washington, D.C. to promote and canvass support for a referendum in the Tamil-majority districts in the North and East of Sri Lanka, had a zoom discussion-meeting with U.S. Democratic Congresswoman Deborah Ross to reiterate that Tamil genocide occurred in Sri Lanka, and mark the end of the Eelam War 13 years ago, US based sources said.
The participants of the zoom gathering – some based in the United States and others from Sri Lanka – notably Parliamentarians C.V. Vigneswaran and Sivagnanam Sritharan – attended the gathering to reiterate the occurrence of a Tamil genocide. U.S. Congresswoman Deborah Ross at the zoom meeting acknowledged the occurrence of genocide in Sri Lanka against the Tamils urging the Government of the United States to acknowledge that Tamil genocide took place in Sri Lanka.
The organizers – Tamil United Political Action Committee – stated that their mission was to get justice to the victims and survivors of genocide in the Tamil Homeland through international investigation and bring the United States on board for a referendum in the Tamil Homeland in the North-East of Sri Lanka to determine their independence and sovereignty democratically and peacefully. The convener declared this was the right time for the U.S. to intervene for the Tamils in Sri Lanka to form an interim government in the north-east of Sri Lanka through a permanent solution through a referendum.
To this stated effort, United States Congresswoman Deborah Ross joined the Tamil United Political Action Committee’s call to acknowledge that a Tamil genocide occurred in Sri Lanka.
Here’s full submission of US Lawmaker Ross’ statement at this zoom forum to which the readers could listen using the following link:
“Today is an important day as the Canadian parliament recognized Tamil genocide. And it is important that the international community including the United States follow suit.
I am honoured to join so many friends and supporters. And I sincerely appreciate many outstanding contributions that the North Carolina Tamil community had made to our state and our nation.
As you know, thirteen years ago, tens and thousands of Tamils perished in the hands of the Sri Lankan security forces a wave of violence perpetrated in Sri Lanka.
Every war is tragic but this was bloodshed on a horrific scale. Heinous brutality inflicted on innocent men and women. Today we mourn all those for the loss and re-dedicate ourselves for the cause of securing a just and acquit able future for the Tamil people.
The current Sri Lankan administration has turned a blind eye of the past abuses. I am currently working with the State Department and the Congress with both parties to shine a bright light on the plight of the Tamil minority. Last year I introduced a bi-partisan Resolution on regarding the lives lost in the civil war and expressing support for key reforms in Sri Lanka to ensure a lasting political solution.
I am also happy that we had an important hearing on human rights abuses perpetrated by the Sri Lankan government. Again, that was done in a bi-partisan way. Now more than ever we need strong American leadership to rally the international community to promote peace, justice and accountability in Sri Lanka. And again, we are thrilled that the Canadian Government has taken the lead.
Hope our government will take steps to bring justice to the Tamil people.
Deborah Ross was one of the key US Congressperson who sponsored the Resolution 418 to the House on May 18, 2021, the anniversary of the defeat of the Tamil Tigers, which claimed the LTTE a ‘Tamil independence organization” and recognized the northeastern region as the ‘Tamil Homeland’.
The Resolution further noted “urges the international community to advocate for and protect the political rights and representation of the historically oppressed northeastern region of Sri Lanka.”
A source based in Washington however pointed out that it was quite apparent that neither the Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka nor its representation in Washington has educated U.S. Lawmakers and Policymakers that a majority of Tamils – approximately over 50 percent – are living among the Sinhalese away from the north-eastern region having gainful employment with ensured upward social mobility which negates the genocide claim.
The same source also asked how this Jewish Congresswoman conveniently turns a blind eye to the continuing acts of genocide being committed against Palestinians in occupied territories day and night, willfully gunning down innocent journalists, civilians as well those resisting the illegal occupation by people of her race running an apartheid regime in Israel.