
US imperialism still a danger to world peace despite its defeat in Vietnam and Afghanistan



US military preparing for exit from Afghanistan


After the dramatic events of the past few weeks when the American Tiger had to hurriedly depart from Afghanistan, which it had ruled for 20 years, with its tail between its legs, people have begun to think that it was just a paper tiger not to be feared. Though it may be losing its No.1 economic position to China, it remains the world’s No.1 Military power by a long way. It has 403 military bases encircling China and over 800 bases worldwide. China has only one base at Djibouti in Africa to fight against the Somalian pirates that attacks its ships. The people of the world must get it clear into their mind that China is a (Third World ) country that has emerged from its poverty through industrialization and trade. Sri Lanka and other countries face no military threat from China. Not being an imperialist country it is focused on trade. Through good relations, flexible bilateral trade that is mutually beneficial can be achieved.

The fact that during this period the Taliban came under attack from ISIS-K, a CIA product, is a clear indication that the USA will continue to promote internal conflicts in Afghanistan, making use of smaller sectional differences, besides the main Sunni/Shia one. A British agent is in charge of commercial exploitation. The North East of Afghanistan, which have connections with Russia and Pakistan, may also be made conflict zones. The danger exists of chaos in Afghanistan and conflict with its neighbours, with a huge market for the American armaments industry.

The visit at this time of the US Vice-President is a clear move to provoke clashes against China over the South China Sea disputes, largely an outcome of US promoted widening of territorial waters of countries, leading to overlapping. The ultimate objective could be a conventional war that arises in East Asia and spreads west. It would also put an end to China’s Belt and Road economic strategy. The path to intervention by the USA and its allies (Australia, Japan and Mody’s India) The “Quad “, a product of the USA’s Indo-Pacific one ocean concept, is a possibility.

In this scenario Sri Lanka is in grave danger. With India under pressure, from re-invigorated Muslim countries on the West and China on the East, besides its sizeable Muslim internal population and Opposition from Congress, the USA is bound to turn to Sri Lanka. Attempts will be made to activate the MCC and SOFA agreements, that would make Sri Lanka an economic colony of US multinational corporations (MNCs), and also a military base of the USA. The deliberate running down of the economy, with a very low foreign exchange reserve, and a high level of debt, will be used against us to compel us to get IMF Loans, with all their neo-liberal conditions. That will end the good move of the present SLPP-led Government to build a national economy free of debt.

To resist these pressures and retain our independence, Sri Lanka will have to act with acumen and diplomatic caution.

The image portrayed of the Taliban by the West is unjustified. It is a nationalist movement that has fought consistently for the liberation of Afghanistan and to set up its own elected Government. But they led a peaceful existence blending their tribal customs with that of islam. They did not attack any country or cause harm to any people.The Taliban did not drive people away from their homes, unlike what the Jews did to the Palestinians with support from the USA.

It was after the Soviet invasion in December 1979 and the installation of a puppet regime that destroyed the social infrastructure and plunged the country into poverty that they fought for their liberty. They took up arms to fight against the decade of Soviet domination. In the guise of restoring Afghan independence, the USA and its European allies, backed by Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, not only attacked Afghanistan but ruled over the people with an iron fist. According to the United Nations these same forces caused around 40 million refugees. It was the USA-led forces that looted the Arab countries. America is said to have robbed 60 billion US$ worth of gold from Libya.

In this context it is surprising to find Ranil Wickremesinghe opposing our recognising the Government of the Taliban. There is much criticism of discrimination against women. The Taliban has to do away with this as promised. The charges against the Al Qaeda too are exaggerated and the Taliban unnecessarily blamed. The Lanka Sama Samaja Party calls upon the Government to recognise the Taliban Government, while appealing to them to broaden democracy by giving full rights to all women. Under no circumstances should the Government sign or allow the USA to implement the MCC and SOFA agreements.

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