
Tidbits of info and surmises



Bits and pieces of news surreptitiously move along the grape vine and in social media, and touch even an electronics moron like Cassandra. She received a picture of a former First Lady with younger brother smiling beside her as ambassador-designate to the Seychelles. Cass deleted it immediately as if it could incriminate her but remembered a Bank of Ceylon Branch was opened in that holiday resort with few Sri Lankan residents. Rex Clementine wrote about a new appointment of a close relative to SLC by the Minister of Sports. Thus, does disappointing news dribble in; one hopes fake stuff.

Shaman loses credibility

But major news of the week was that the Minister of Health and her second husband had contracted COVID-19; the virus probably wanted in its gruesomely horrid way to vanquish the notion that by propitiation of river gods and imbibing a shaman’s (favourite term of Ed of this paper!) peniya it could be defeated. Cass strongly feels Dhammika, acolyte of the goddess Kali Amma, caused the spread of infection with no curing or preventing it via his concoction of five. Cass asks constantly how on earth he gets so much precious, usually rare bees’ honey to prepare thousands of bottles of the supposedly divine brew. And the herds of two-legged buffaloes rush for it and gather on the kapurala’s midula! He made his money and destroyed further Sri Lanka’s image on world view by painting us witchcraft worshippers and deity believers; we of whom most are Buddhists with no belief in gods. It is not Ranjan R who should be incarcerated but Dhammika, the peni peddler. Or, should Cass correct that to read Dhammika’s stoopid acolytes with Pavithradevi leading the unholy grail.

Calls have been made for her resignation from the Cabinet. Cass loudly seconds this; not for any other reason but that she has proved to be too small in every way to fill the big shoes of an all-important Health Minister. Proof again that political loyalty supersedes merit and ability when the present Cabinet of Ministers was selected.


Predicted doom

Most of the present ministers of government paled to stupidity, leaving aside corruption, as Cass, as she usually does, listened all ears to Monday January 25 MTV TV 1 Face the Nation discussion. Host/ Convenor Shameer Rasooldeen is excellent and knowledgeable and adroitly moves the discussions on with pointed questions asked by him and the three investigative journos with him.

Cass’ constant thought as she followed the discussion this Monday was that here were three politicians who could hold their own among any world politician. They were measured in their comments, unbiased, spoke with no rancor, ranting or vituperation and were completely decent and polite. Eran Wickramaratne, banker/ politician, alumni of the University of London, nurtured the thought strong in mind that here was a person who should be heading a government. However, he adds credibility and strength to the Opposition. Cass has long admired Dr Harini Amarasuriya, nominated NNP Member of Parliament from the JVP; senior lecturer at the Open University having researched for her PhD at the University of Edinburgh. Keseralal Gunasekera was good to listen to but did not have much solid ground to stand on, being SLFP and now a Member of the Dehiwala Mt Lavinia MC.

The clearest message (Cass repeats the word ‘message’ as contrary to Cass’ opinion to save her neck) was that the present leaders and government were disappointing and have let down the 6.9 million voters who selected them to cure Sri Lanka of injurious commissions and omissions of the yahapalanaya government. “They have failed.” “One did not expect disillusionment with them to come so soon.” “We are doomed” were messages that came across. Honesty, transparency, not rousing racial/religious canards for votes’ sake; uniting all races of the country; being just and eliminating corruption and nepotism; are pleaded for. Concession was made in large measure to the devastating pandemic, but even here the country has been allowed to slide downwards. Giving jobs to those who are competent in the areas they are called to serve and keeping apart the three major arms of government: executive, legislature and judiciary, were of paramount importance.


Sri Lankan CBE and OBE recipients

To Cass, the strongest thought was that Sri Lanka is so abundant with brains and ability and there are a handful of dedicated politicians who do not work for themselves, but are committed to work for all Sri Lankans.

To further prove her point she will give a summary of a video clip she received of Sri Lankans resident in the UK receiving OBEs and CBEs in the Queen’s New Year 2021 list of honours. The honours were awarded for outstanding work in various fields but many in the pandemic situation.

Prof Mohan Edirisinghe – complex materials development; Prof Ramani Moonesinghe – clinical care; Dr Shikandani Kanagasunderam – microbiology; Prof Ravi Silva – science education; Gayan Wallopillai – Conservative Councellor; Mohamad Hazrath Ossman – Islam Community work.

Proof also of the brain drain of the five listed above, or their parents. Why did they seek greener pastures? Most because the situation, principally political in the home country, failed to satisfy them or provide adequate security. This happens over and over again and the country is the loser. One cannot blame educated migrants for moving out of their native land and living overseas; or those who followed higher education abroad opting to stay on. Consider how very clever thinking, rational MPs who advocate rights for all are often thrust in the wilderness.

We long for sense and sensibility in the public domain; being sick of pride and prejudice.

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