
‘The virus can be beaten decisively if we get our act together’



By Dr. M. I. Latiff D.H.M.S (Pakistan), R.H.M.P. (Pakistan & Sri Lanka)


The headline for this article is adapted from The Island editorial of 09 August lays out where Sri Lanka went wrong and what collective action desired to deter the spread of the covid-19 virus. This article calls for the government to also recognise the contribution that alternative healthcare systems practiced in this country can make and, to co-opt such practitioners – as an important part, but is missing, in the collective action required- to the frontline as they also have robust tools to combat the Covid-19 threats.

Even the most powerful and scientifically advanced countries have not yet come to grips with any reliable strategy to curb the rapid mutations of this virus, which is taking a path of alternating peak infection periods and deaths followed by a relatively disease-free ‘hibernation/mutation’ period. Sri Lanka is currently experiencing a fourth infection wave in which, according to the experts, features the most virile and deadly Delta variant of the virus. The Sri Lankan health sector is completely overwhelmed by the influx of covid patients needing hospitalisation and intensive care and, the undertakers are equally overwhelmed by the number of burials and cremations they are called upon to perform.

Covid-19 is not the first pandemic the world is facing and it will not be the last, but what is puzzling is the frequency of major disease outbreaks, over the last five decades. With the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa there were enough speculators and early warnings from the scientific community that the world remained unprepared to handle an impending pandemic, given the sequence of health hazards within a short space of time occurring in different parts of the world.

When Covid-19 broke out, and engulfed the entire globe the Pharmaceutical Industries, with the financial backing of their governments, went on overdrive to produce vaccines and a number of vaccines, are now rolled out for emergency use. Although various claims are made by the respective manufacturers about the vaccine efficacy and efficiency there still remains many questions unanswered about those vaccines.

Conventionally, vaccines research is a long process, going through many test phases, simulating a range of situations and varying population test-samples including tests on animals, to determine safety, long term positive and negative effects. Such established vaccine-making procedures seem to have been overlooked and short circuited in the case of the Covid-19 vaccines that have been rolled out. It is claimed that conventional rigours in vaccine testing before release need not apply if adopted for emergency use and, the manufacturers are legally protected against vaccine mishaps as long as they are used in emergencies before completing rigorous testing protocols.

Strictly speaking none of the vaccines that are in use in different parts of the world against covid-19 appears to meet the medical and legal definition of vaccines as taught in Medical schools. An injection to qualify as vaccine should meet the following criteria: 1. It must give an antibody immunity and the antibody must give protection against an identified pathogen 2. It must also show that the injection stops the recipient from carrying that pathogen and therefore preventing the person from being a source of transmission to others. Reports from all countries, including Sri Lanka, speak of infection breakthroughs and also deaths. Postmortems carried out on those who also had received both recommended jabs revealed the presence of Covid-19 virus in all the organs, thus questioning the premise of the ‘vaccines’ used. It is well known that Pfizer and Moderna have not even used the antigen of the disease one is trying to prevent but, they have used synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in Nano-lipid compound in their products. It appears that these manufacturers seem only to have produced a compound to lessen the clinical spike protein and not the actual virus whereby only lessening the infection symptoms. In fact, the actual patents for Pfizer and Moderna injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy”.

According to some, what is being carried out as ‘vaccination’ against covid pandemic across the globe is a major experimentation. Adverse effects such as repeated infections and deaths as a result of the Covid-injections seem anticipated outcomes, and they may lead to future refinement or total withdrawal of their products by the manufacturers. The call for a third jab to boost ‘protection’ is an indication that the injections are in the experimental phase. It is at this level of risk that the people are receiving the covid jabs. .

In countries like the USA where alternative healthcare systems are taboo and so much fear had been created in about Covid the general public seem to have no alternative but to comply with the push for vaccinations. In this respect Sri Lanka is very fortunate like many other countries in the region. Healthcare systems like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy are well known and practiced for centuries. Sri Lanka has well reputed medical schools in these fields of medicine (except homeopathy) and, practitioners of these medicines firmly believe that Covid-19 or any other ailment can be prevented and treated. Many such practitioners have been, in their own circle of practice, successfully treating illnesses akin to Covid-19 clinical manifestations from the time the threat of this virus was first reported. Unfortunately, successful cases receiving alternative healthcare are not properly followed up, investigated and given adequate publicity in this country by the relevant health authorities. It is equally unfortunate the public is not exposed to the many uncertainties about those Covid vaccines that have been rolled out but, the same people, including the former Health Minister, who gulped an experimental Dhammika Peniya from an enthusiastic novice layman as remedy for covid-19 are condemned, ridiculed and held against any form of alternative remedies.

The country is in desperate need for any help to arrest the spread of the virus. Very soon there may be more new variants in the pipeline and become dominant threats. No way can vaccines be produced to control each variant at the rate they may be required. In any case, vaccines in such required quantities will be out of question for the poorer countries. Even in advanced countries like the U.S., where vaccines are readily available, a recent study found that one in four is against vaccination because of safety concerns. As a practical matter, therefore, the government of this country must also use other resources that are available to provide effective, affordable and safe treatments.

The alternative medicines, particularly homeopathy (as it is my specialty) works regardless of the variant. Successes from using homeopathy to treat the current pandemic had been reported worldwide and homeopathic therapeutic needs can be manufactured quickly, stored indefinitely at room temperature, distributed easily and it is affordable by the poorest countries. Homeopathy has proven its efficacy against Covid-19 and medicines have no side effects, so that there would be no safety concerns to deter acceptance. According to a recent report (August 14th 2021) the Indian government is aggressively promoting Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy globally, and it has signged MOUs with a number of Western countries as well. Covid-19 still poses great dangers but, free of politics and dogma it can be brought under control if only the Sri Lankan government can get its act together and gain the trust of the people. In this effort including alternative health practitioners who have the resources but are still untapped will be vital to help in the recovery process.

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