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The Colombo Toastmasters Club turns 40



The Colombo Toastmasters Club, the first and oldest Toastmasters Club in South Asia turned 40 recently .With the theme for the year “The Legacy Lives”, the Club celebrated 40 years of leadership, public speaking and training, whilst recognising its legends and the legacy behind the august institution.

This year’s president Shashikala Wanigasinghe highlighted the service the Colombo Toastmasters Club has rendered to the community over the past four decades, that has touched thousands of lives in Sri Lanka, India and the Maldives. She noted that Club was not only a place where people turn into speakers, but a place where service takes centrestage.

“On this grandiose occasion, I’m confident that our club will continue to serve the country and impact lives positively.”

“The Legacy Lives – Happy 40th Birthday to The Colombo Toastmasters Club the beauty of this club.” Said Wanigasinghe.

The Club, that was founded during a riotous year in 1983 has seen 39 distinguished past presidents, who chiseled The Colombo Toastmasters into what it is today – a pioneer in speech and leadership.

“The Club was a pioneer is spreading the Toastmasters movement in Sri Lanka and introducing Speechcraft programs,” said Wanigasinghe. It has also produced many champion speakers, leaders and two Toastmasters International Presidents – Distinguished Toastmaster Balraj Arunasalam and TM Dilip Abayasekara.

It is also the largest club in Sri Lanka in terms of membership, with over 80 registered members.

The Colombo Toastmasters Club is the first to be founded in South Asia, encompassing Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. For 40 years the Club has not only lived up to its promise of being a training ground for fledgling leaders to sharpen their public speaking and leadership skills, but has also metamorphosed into the leading public speaking and leadership training ground for corporates and school children.

The Club has trained more than 4,000 corporate members through its Speechcraft Programmes over the years, and its community outreach Youth Leadership programme continues to help hundreds of school children annually throughout the island.

The Colombo Toastmasters Club consists of a distinguished alumni encompassing all age groups, backgrounds and nationalities. It is a unique training ground where over 600 members have passed through, gaining a wealth of experience in speaking and leadership.

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