The Beginning of “LIFE” in the universe and formation of “THE MIND”
From The Book titled ‘The Electric Field Theory of the Mind That Triggers Life’ –
by Shantha Athulathmudali
The Introduction:
The latest theory that explains how life originated ‘on Earth’, based on microfossils discovered on extraterrestrial debris, hypothesizes the transmission of microscopic living organisms, ‘seeds of life’, from extra-terrestrial bodies on board meteoroids, asteroids, comets and other cosmic debris which after reaching the earth surface began evolution. The theory does not explain how ‘life’ forms from the beginning.
Chemical and Physical interactions for example follow a fixed set of rules determined by the action of electricity and resultant physical equilibrium form different combinations of material and energy with varying properties which are in stark contrast with the materials that combine to produce them.
For example sodium, a highly reactive metal combines with chlorine, a toxic gas to form the compound known chemically as sodium chloride, which is table salt.
What causes the change in the substances is the exchange of electricity among the participant substances sodium and chlorine. Sodium and Potassium are essentially present in the form of ions in living cells to maintain the electrolytic balance in the cell. This gives the idea, perhaps a glimpse, of the extent of the role played by electricity in a living cell. Similarly, electricity plays the major and the initiative role in the formation of ‘life’ and its subsequent evolution.
How in fact does life begin?
“Life begins with an Electric Field” in Association with Water & Botanical Material Life forms as a result of interactions of electric and magnetic field forces associating water, reacting with other external forces in a magnetic environment such as that of the earth’s magnetic field* and other energy fields and mechanical forces such as atmospheric pressure, surface tension of water and gravity. The resultant force ever competes for equilibrium with the combination and participation of other contributory physical exogenous botanical material such as moss and ‘this process’ leads to formation of ‘life’ and subsequent evolution as detailed below.
* The external magnetic field is a vital requirement for formation and evolution of life.
The Dielectric Theory
The electric field that forms ‘life’ requires a medium with the properties for generating and holding a steady electric field for a considerable duration of time. The medium must not be hostile to other exogenous material, in that its chemical content should not breakdown the chemical structure of the other materials, but contribute to originate ‘life’ at protozoan stage being conducive to formation of the required environment for generating and sustaining ‘life’ at every stage of its development as the developing ‘life’ gets chemically and physically more complex.Acidic or highly saline media for instance are hostile environments and the Dead Sea is an example of hostility to life of salinity.
Of paramount importance in the process of forming life is a medium capable of providing a dielectric, i.e. an area of space enveloped in an electric field, with amicable properties such as those of temperature, atmospheric pressure etc. The dielectric, as the second condition paramount, must contain exogenous material amiable, in contributing to formation and sustenance of ‘life’ i.e. botanic material to provide the required physicochemical environment to develop and evolution of life.The only compound which is capable of forming a dielectric comprising the required properties is WATER.
The unique role of ‘WATER’,
What does water do in originating life at the most basic form of taxonomical classification of the phylum, i.e. protozoans?
The answer lies in the ‘Electric Field’ that sets up in natural water due to self-ionization, and the associated ‘Magnetic Field’ set up by the variations of the electric field, in the earth’s magnetic field environment, contributing together to accumulate information from the other energy fields in the environment and effect changes in the exogenous material in the dielectric to gradually originate the unit that responds to light, heat, sound, physical movements and touch and to evolve into more advanced and complex forms of chemical and physical constitutions, over long periods of time to finally reach the human structure.
Molecular arrangement of pure water
Molecules in pure water, interlinked through constant exchange of electricity, about twenty billion (2 x 1013) times per second, are electrically balanced and therefore free of ions. Water, if free of exogenous material will remain electrically 3 neutral. Whereas in ordinary water, ionization takes place due to the interruption of exchange of electrons caused by exogenous material.
Two water molecules going through automatic ionization form a ‘hydroxide’ (OH-) anion, carrying a negative charge, and a ‘hydroxonium’ cation (H3O+), carrying a positive charge and the electric potential sets up an electric environment. i.e. ‘The Dielectric’.
With its high ‘relative permittivity’, called dielectric constant, varying from 88 at 00 to 55 at 1000 of centigrade, water offers the ideal condition for electro static bonds to transmit a steady electric field that hardly changes its electrical properties within the amicable temperature range.
The Dielectric Effect – Transformation by the Electric Field
A steady electric-field formed in a stagnant pool of water harboured from hazardous turbulences, so remains undisturbed, or an environment constantly wet as a rock surface by the sea moistened by the spray, a ravine, a nook constantly wet for examples are locations where undisturbed electric-fields set up. Exogenous material may consist of such chemicals as amino acids and other elements that may form due to the electrical activity in the dielectric or from the atmosphere as produced during lightening.
Ionised water molecules wrap round tiny particles of exogenous material from the dielectric and form millions of microscopic packs in its entirety. Every pack individually possesses its own electric-field termed here as ‘THE MESH’ electric-field and links to the millions of other similar packs through the dielectric electric-field.The dielectric constantly goes through changes in the environment and the resulting fluctuations working on ‘THE MESH’ electric-field constantly change its constitution and generates electric and magnetic field forces, which in association with external forces maintains equilibrium of the microscopic pack. All forces in nature strive to achieve equilibrium and settle at equilibrium.
Continuous delivery of energy on to the packs registers electric messages in the packs and the messages intensify in terms of the electric charge and maintain equilibrium with any necessary internal adjustments by the magnetic field should the supply of energy remains uninterrupted.
The packs will gradually establish a system of records corresponding the electrical changes and generate forces within the packs, in the most basic form, and maintain equilibrium.
A ‘cell’ in formation, i.e. a microscopic pack modulated with the message as explained above, when the charge it carries becomes sufficiently intense, begins responding to changes in the environment.
The system will reach a condition of being able to react to variations in energy levels by way of ‘electric signals’ in response. Subsequent energy level variations disturb the present equilibrium that will in turn disturb the electrical balance and therefore the magnetic field. Then the resulting magnetic field variations will resist because of the external magnetic force such as earth’s magnetic field, which earlier provided stability. Therefore, the external magnetic field plays a vital role in influencing the changes in the internal set up and formation of life.
Equal and opposite action of forces will constantly strive to force the system back to its earlier equilibrium. This constant effort to correct by the internal magnetic field will create a new message pertaining to the effort and be recorded in the message base. If the system does not revert to its original equilibrium, then over time, the necessary physical and or chemical changes within the cell will take place to rectify the condition i.e. to eliminate the disequilibrium. Instrumented by the electric field forces of the message records, such gradual changes are effected by the resultant changes in the magnetic field forces. In this process, demanded by the prevailing conditions, to meet the requirements of energy, a devices to intake material to internally breakdown the compound to maintain equilibrium and locomotion will develop.
Healing effects and animals such as birds and fish using magnetic fields for navigation, for instance, are facts known of magnetism. Same properties and mechanical forces created by magnetic fields come into play when there are disturbances in the cell equilibrium.This is the process, over long periods of time that brings about changes or new development in the setup of ‘life’ so as to maintain continuity of the unit with a solution to the problem, as it were, and be known as Evolution.
While this process works to develop new organs, chemical and physical constitutions etc. for equilibrium, as required by the changing conditions it also works to remove any part which earlier worked to serve the ‘life’ but is no longer required due to a change in the conditions of the environment. Vermiform appendix which is now vestigial in man due to the removal process of the unwanted by the magnetic field action is an example.
The Advancement
The process of advancement begins when the protozoans, the most basic units with characteristics of life i.e. intake of material as food for producing energy within, possessing mobility and propagation, pass down a little more complex electrical message to the generation that follows.As the electric field is modulated with more information at every generation down the line, the resulting magnetic field, strives to effect changes in the physical structure of the creature to suit which results in a more advanced creature to the previous generation making the electrical message too little more complex.
The advancement registered in the electric field in terms of the message modulated into it and transmitted down the line may not immediately be visible in the form of a corresponding physical change in immediately the next generation. The change may appear several generations hence with the intensification of the message and when an advancement in the physical structure is the inevitable solution i.e. fixing the problem by the magnetic field.
Protozoans that form in locations far apart, which may be alike at the beginning, will develop into different creatures due to variations of the influence from the environment.At a more advanced stage of the life system, with the aid of the magnetic field, an information processor and a message storage system develops.
The system thereafter acquires the ability to store electrical information by way of electrical charges in physical locations, as in a computer system, process and react to the environmental changes of light, heat, infra-red radiations, sound, tastes, smells, touch and many other forms of energy signals in the environment. The ‘organs of sense’ i.e. the devices to intake information from the environment develop simultaneously due to the magnetic field action. Read about eyespots on planariansAs the system of ‘life’ develops in this way, as a result of the advancement of the electric and magnetic fields of the developing ‘life systems’, its environment will in turn be influenced by the demands of ‘life’ to change too.
This occurs due to the ‘life system’ information being transferred on to the external magnetic field, which effects the corresponding changes in the environment such as developing new material as food or increase the present supply for example.
The environment will transform gradually to cater to its newly developed needs of the ‘life system’ feeding the propagation and existence of ‘life’, and as always the case with nature, maintaining the equilibrium. Having established equilibrium one system will exert demands on the other for its continuity and vice versa.
Should an imbalance occur due to an adverse effect on the life systems by the environment, as in the case of some of the lives being destroyed, for example by flood, and the environmental condition reoccurs regularly then this condition registers in the information storage system. The information registered burdens the magnetic field of the life system with the task of finding a solution to loss of ‘lives’.
The magnetic field establishes the balance by developing a method to propagating millions of ‘life units’ so that they will spread far and wide so that in case of a hazard, ‘life’ that remains in unaffected areas will continue to propagate. The magnetic field will develop other methods of protection of life as the life system advances in complexity.