
‘Tears of hypocrisy’ – a response



Buddhist monks protesting in Colombo (file photo)

Reading the concluding para of your above captioned editorial (27/02), which reads: ‘The Mahanayaka Theras never miss an opportunity to proffer unsolicited advice to politicians on how to run the country, but their right to do so cannot be questioned, but why don’t they care to rein in the obstreperous monks?, This question begets another question, what happened to the resolution passed and reported in the press on 24th Dec.2012 titled ‘Sangha Council Proposed to Tackle issues Pertaining to Buddhist Clergy’ by Cyril Wimalasurendre, which reads ‘KANDY- A resolution calling upon the authorities including the Maha Sangha to appoint a council comprising the Mahanayaka Theros of the three sects, under the banner ‘Sangharaja Mandalaya’ to resolve disputes among the Sangha and complaints against the members of the Sangha was tabled at the 86th Annual General meeting of the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress [ACBS] in Kandy on Saturday [22]. The Sangharaja Mandalaya, once instituted would hear cases involving the members of the Sangha and thereby prevent the Sangha attending the normal courts of law, the resolution added. The proposed Sangha Council should be vested with powers to impose penalties on those found guilty and also expel the culprits from the order. The meeting also urged that the appointment of Justices of the Peace should be made on the basis of ratio of the different communities in the country.’

It will be interesting to know what happened to this well-meaning Sangharaja Mandalaya, as we see the despicable behaviour of our Buddhist monks and hauled before the courts of law for criminal acts. Strangely some of these monks are received by Mahanayaka Theras at the Maligawa, Temple of the Tooth, perhaps condoning and encouraging such acts.

Will the President of ACBC along with the Mahanayakas let us know whether this Mandalaya yet exists?

G. A. D. Sirimal


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