Teacher trade unionist asked to explain how he received salary for 23 years without teaching
By Shamindra Ferdinando
Director General on Trade Unions to the President Saman Ratnapriya said yesterday released full time for union work by respective trade unions and federations could continue to do so until their retirement.The former President of the Government Nurses Union said so when The Island sought his response to recent disclosure by General Secretary of the Ceylon Teachers’ Service Union Mahinda Jayasinghe that he received a salary in spite of not teaching since 2000.
This was revealed during a heated argument between Home Affairs State Minister Ashoka Priyantha and Mahinda Jayasinghe during the recent ‘Karata Kara’ Rupavahini debate anchored by Chamara Wijewickrema.
Puttalam District lawmaker questioned the absurdity in JVP’s public posture when selected members were given such privileges. Jayasinghe, who had contested general elections on the JVP ticket admitted that he last served as a teacher in 2000.
The trade unionist insisted that he received full time release in terms of current laws applicable to trade unions in the public sector. The JVPer said that he received ministerial approval to engage in trade union activity.Asked whether he felt the need to change such laws at a time the country is in dire straits, former UNP MP Ratnapriya explained the system in place for trade union activity in the public sector.
Ratnapriya said that those unions having over 1000 members could have one released full time. Unions with membership of 3000 or more could have two released full time, Ratnapriya said, in the case of federations they too were legally empowered to have two members freed full time.
Responding to further questions, Ratnapriya explained that in the case of a teacher, the Secretary to the Education Ministry could grant permission for four years. However, after that period, the teacher required approval from the relevant minister, the retired health sector worker said.
Asked whether he received the appointment as an aide to the president while continuing in the health sector, Ratnapriya said he retired from government service to enter parliament. Ratnapriya entered parliament on the UNP National List in 2020 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. Jayampathy Wickremaratne.