by HUGH KARUNANAYAKE Professional wrestling was introduced to Sri Lanka (then known as Ceylon) by Donovan Andree, a prominent organiser of sporting and musical events for...
Little known stories of old Ceylon by Hugh Karunanayake. Sarasavi Publishers. Rs. 1,600 reviewed by Manik de Silva Hugh Karunanayake, antiquarian, collector of old books and...
by HUGH KARUNANAYAKE The commercial sector in Sri Lanka, long regarded as the engine that pushed economic growth in the island, was almost up to the...
by Hugh Karunanayake The self styled “Count”. De Mauny was born as Maurice Marie Talavande on March 21, 1886. The circumstances under which he left for...
by Hugh Karunanayake The colonial history of Sri Lanka is characterised by the partial control of the country by the Portuguese and the Dutch, and complete...
by HUGH KARUNANAYAKE Sri Lanka is a country with a recorded history of over 2,500 years. Few countries in the world could match that record. A...
WHAT 100 YEARS. Of TRADITION COULD DO !! by HUGH KARUNANAYAKE The Royal Thomian cricket match played annually for the past 144 years is the second...
Chandra, Kanthi, Sharmini, and dear friends of Chandra.. . I crave your indulgence, as I am unable to be present here on this momentous occasion, due...