DFCC Pinnacle and DFCC Aloka, the highest-tier premium banking experience and the exclusively women-centric banking proposition from DFCC Bank, respectively, recently supported the Sri Lanka Tamil...
The International Institute of Health Sciences (IIHS), the country’s leading institute for health education, recently announced a landmark partnership with the DFCC Bank through which IIHS...
DFCC Bank introduces a special promotion exclusively designed for DFCC Junior account holders. As part of this unique offer, account holders received a Digital Smart LED...
The DFCC Bank aims to raise Rs. 8 billion via the latest debenture issue. It will issue 80 million BASEL III compliant Tier 2, listed, rated,...
The Chief Internal Auditor’s Forum of Banks appointed its 6th committee recently. The inaugural committee meeting was held on 11th October 2023. Numair Cassim (Amana Bank...
DFCC Leasing, a unit of DFCC Bank PLC, and Ideal Motors, the Sole Authorised Dealer for Mahindra automotive products in Sri Lanka, recently announced a landmark...
DFCC Bank recently held its Junior Creative Till Competition to raise awareness among kids about the importance of saving, whilst sparking their creativity. Featured here are...
DFCC Bank, the Bank for Everyone, which emphasises the need to begin saving money at a young age, is pleased to announce the return of its...
A bank committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, DFCC Pinnacle, was the proud sponsor of the SAARC Ethnic elegance organised by the SAARC women’s association –...
A first for Sri Lanka, DFCC Bank, a fast-growing, customer-centric card issuer, launched the “Make a Wish” Campaign, a truly customer-centric initiative to allow customer wishes...