Parliament on Wednesday approved the Anti-Corruption Bill without a division."The bill is passed with amendments," Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena informed the House. Both government and opposition...
The House yesterday approved the Anti-Corruption Bill without a division. “The Bill has been passed with amendments,” Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena informed the House. Both government...
Justice Minister and Leader of House differ, accusations directed at BR By Shamindra Ferdinando Dissident SLPP MPs yesterday (17) alleged that the ruling SLPP was likely...
According to reports, several amendments are to be suggested and made at the Committee stage in Parliament on the 19th July, 2023. We are unaware of...
Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) on Wednesday (May ?10) filed a petition (SC SD 19/2023) with the Supreme Court, challenging the Anti-Corruption Bill, highlighting several key...