
T- Bills worth Rs. 220,000 million to be issued through auction on December 13



The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is to issue T-bills worth Rs. 220,000 million through an auction on December 13.]The details of Treasury bill issues are as follows.Maturity period 91 days, 182 days 364 days Date of Auction : 13th December 2023 Date of Settlement : 15th December 2023 Date of Issue : 15th December 2023.

Closing date and time of bid submission: Wednesday 13th December 2023, at 11.00 a.m.Minimum amount of a bid: Rupees five million (Rs. 5,000,000/-) and multiples of Rupees one million (Rs. 1,000,000/-) there onwards.

Bids are invited from the Primary Dealers in Government Securities. Bids should be made only through the electronic bidding facility provided by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. The prospective investors (general public or any other investor) may submit bids to the auction through nominated Primary Dealers while complying with the minimum amount of a bid.

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