
Suzi’s Christmas Mix on TNGlive



TNGlive, as many of us are now aware, is a live streaming programme, on social media (Facebook), that has brought into the limelight…hidden talent, especially from the Anglo-Indian scene.

During the long lockdown period, experienced in many parts of the world, established musicians also took the opportunity to keep their fans, and music lovers, entertained, from their homes.

We had Suzi Croner (Fluckiger), from Switzerland, Melantha Perera, Lalith de Silva, Sureshni, and a few others from our scene, as well.

India showed that they do have some awesome talent, among the Anglo-Indians, and there were quite a few who impressed me a great deal – the father and daughter duo of Lean and Nigel Galway, Shania (Rodrigues) and Lynette John.

In fact, it was Shania who gave a kick-start to this year’s festive feel, on TNGlive, with a rendering of some of those beautiful songs, associated with Christmas.

And, this Saturday, December 18th, Suzi, based in Switzerland, will be in the vocal spotlight on TNGlive, on Facebook.

She has done this scene, before, during the lockdown, but Saturday’s programme will be extra special, and she is calling it ‘Suzi’s Christmas Mix.’

Yes, it will be all about Christmas…and those yuletide favourites.

Says Suzi: “I had plenty of work, coming my way, for the festive season, but with this Omicron around, there are some restrictions in place, in Switzerland, and some of my bookings did get cancelled because the expected crowd was too large – over 500 – and that’s not allowed now.

“Well, now that I have some free time, I decided to do this Christmas special, on TNGlive. It will all be happening live, from my home, with some friends to support me, and you could catch the action, on Saturday (18), at 8.30 pm, Sri Lanka time.”

Referring to the new restrictions, Suzi said that, at this point in time, it’s only till December 15th.

“Discos and bars are allowed to operate but limited to only sitting. And, if one is to get on the dance floor, the mask is essential.”

Unfortunately, none of those rules apply here and most entertainment venues, especially in the city, are packed – masks and social distancing are alien to those inside these packed venues.

The Public Health Inspectors (PHI), I’m told, would be checking out some of these venues, commercial establishments, shopping malls, etc., during the festive season, and would take legal action against those in violation of Covid-19 guidelines.

“We have advised our officers to monitor these establishments, during the festive season, says PHI’s Union President Upul Rohan.

“Everyone behaved irresponsibly during the last April holiday season and we saw a massive rise in Covid cases. We can’t allow a repeat,” he added.

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