
Sudarshini calls for tightening of laws against child abusers



The entire society was responsible for protecting children against abuse and laws had to be strengthened for that purpose, said State Minister, Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, Chairperson of the Women Parliamentarians Caucus in Parliament of Sri Lanka. The Minister said she had been shocked to hear about a 15-year-old girl forced into prostitution.

More than 20 people had been arrested for abusing the girl, the Minister said, recalling that it was incumbent upon every one to ensure that such a fate would never befall any other child.

According to Article 360 of the Penal Code, anyone who incited child abuse could be either imprisoned for more than 10 years or fined or both, but the law against child abuse should be further tightened, the Minister said. The Minister said that it was the responsibility of all citizens to create a social environment safe for children.

The Child Protection Authority had an important role to play in this regard and should be able to take all necessary measures to protect children.

Dr. Fernadopulle also observed that the Covid-19 pandemic had increased the number of children accessing the Internet and sinister elements were out there trying to prey on the innocents. She said all precautions had to be taken to ensure the safety of the children using the Internet.

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