Sri Lanka’s first Reggio Emilia inspired Kindergarten with Singaporean collaboration will be launched soon
Reggio Emilia is an approach to early childhood education that views children as individuals who are curious about the world and have powerful potential.
The Reggio Emilia approach to early Reggio teachers employ strategies such as exposing children to a wide variety of educational opportunities that encourage self-expression, communication, logical thinking, and problem-solving.
The Reggio Emilia pedagogy was born after World war II in the town of Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy. It was founded by pedagogist Loris Malaguzzi. Supported by the entire community in Reggio Emilia, this approach is based on constructivist principles and stems from respect, responsibility, and community where learning happens through exploration, discovery, and play.
Creative Thinkers Pre-School Singapore, was founded in 2004 by Sakinah Dollah, a passionate educator with a background in theatre and arts. Creative Thinkers has infused these elements of arts by creating a creative environment and developing a curriculum that enhances the creative potential and uniqueness of the child.
Shyamalee Mahibalan is a Sri Lankan writer/poet who has a wide range of experience in teaching enrichment arts/music/science to children in local kindergartens, International primary schools, including special needs schools in Singapore.
Creative Thinkers Kindergarten- Colombo, will be headed by Shyamalee Mahibalan. The school will have a well curated student centered pedagogy bringing in the Reggio inspiration, critical thinking and the Singaporean early childhood elements. Creative thinkers will also be an inclusive school with a nurturing and creative environment.
The teachers are Talented, qualified, experienced and trained in primary and Kindergarten systems in Sri Lanka and abroad.
Other head teachers are, Rozana Hanan, who has over 20 years of experience in teaching and curriculum planning in early Childhood Education and Primary School Teaching in Qatar and in Sri Lanka.
Shafnaz Hisham, holds over 15 Years’ of experience Teaching and curriculum planning for Nursery and pre-nursery children.