
Sri Lanka Athletics conducts technical officials’ level I course



Participants of the TOECS level 1 technical officials’ course with officials. Front row: (Seated from left) Erathai Arulampalam, P.H.D. Waidyatilaka, Maj. Gen. Palitha Fernando, President Sri Lanka Athletics, Prema Pinnewale, Secretary General , SLA, G.L.S. Perera, Vice President, SLA, Geetha Pathiranawasam. First row (from left) Rangika Mahawatte, Mahesh Welikala, S. Thirumaran, S. Sivaparan, T. Prasath, D.S.L. Perera, S. Vasanthakumara, N. Satheeskumar, U.S.N. Senaratne, E.D.K. Siriwardane. Second row (from left) S. Mayuran, W.D.G.S.S. Kumara, J. Jayakanth, B. Piratheepan, W.K.A.S. Priyanthalal, Y. Sivakumar, T. Thivakar, W.A.K.C. Lakmal, K.T.M.B.R. Serasinghe, G.M.C. Kumarasiri de Silva and W.G. Ariyasena. (Pic by Nishendra Silva)

Sri Lanka Athletics commenced a World Athletics TOECS level 1 technical officials’ course in Colombo with a participation of over 20 officials in Colombo. The level one is the highest level of qualification that officials can achieve locally.

The Veteran International Technical Official P.H.D. Waidyatilaka is the Director of the course while Erathai Arulampalam and Geetha Pathiranawasam join as lecturers.

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