
Some queries about protests



A file photo of a protest in Colombo

Every day when protests occur it seems to have the same sequence of events. People come out to the streets. After shouting slogans, they attempt to go in procession. Then the Police first block their progress by sheer numbers forming a human barrier after which Water Cannons move in with tear gas to disperse the crowd. I always thought that gas dissolves in water rendering it ineffective and resulting in firing more shells than absolutely necessary!   I wonder how much a teargas shell bought with public money costs in valuable foreign exchange.

Sadly, there is absolutely no headway made except destruction and death at our expense. Oh, what a circus what a shame!

No one side seems genuinely interested in solving our problems.

In contrast, may suggest an Alternative Positive Behaviour (APB) we should adopt? In the Airline Pilots’ Association in the USA (ALPA), whenever a Pilot Group reaches an impasse in negotiations with the ‘Airline Management’, both warring parties check into a hotel and lock themselves in till an acceptable solution is found. Everything like food and drink is delivered and they cannot go home. This saves time and money too.

Why can’t we have a similar system in Parliament? It must be done voluntarily by the Government and the Opposition MP’s (in the name of the people). The two most outstanding problems being (1) The ‘Death’ of Democracy and (2) The Government Income Tax reforms. It is left to be seen whether they have the guts and the will to conduct such an exercise. The Public must ensure that they are locked in till an acceptable solution is thrashed out (pun intended). There will be no going home without arriving at an acceptable solution.

Unfortunately, till a positive word is received from Parliament, it will be President’s turn to “shut up and sit down” and wait patiently.

I shall end with a quote on Hitler from WWII.

If Hitler is what Hitler says,

How men will fear and faint.

If Hitler is?

But Hitler aint!

Guwan Seeya

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