Some confusing announcements
‘No banning of Hijab’ pronounced Minister of Public Security, Rear Admiral (retd) Dr Sarath Weeraskera. This left Cassandra rather at sixes and sevens as she and others had been for long confused over decision to allow burial of Covid-19 Muslim dead. Has that finally been settled after many hiccups? The loudest (and most ridiculous) confusion was over the Prime Minister’s proclamation in Parliament that burials would be allowed and soon after came the political mopper (mopping up messes but creating bigger ones) Gaman to explain he, the PM, was only thinking aloud! There is so much confusion about statements made by government political persons
The latest bewilderment is Cass not knowing exactly what is to be banned and what the niqab, burqa and hijab are. Of course, the latter is this dame’s fault but others too may not be sure there being so many variations in what is prescribed as outer garments for strict Muslim women. Cass has to add that she is critical that males dictate dress sense (read rigidity and modesty) to their women folk aided by mosque authorities. Cass has heard very clearly that the Koran specifies none of this. She only saw that in the names of the dress components, the ‘q’s were not followed by the usual ‘u’s. Cass resorted to Internet to redress her ignorance. The hijab is a head scarf and the term also connotes ‘covering up’. The niqab is a veil for the face that leaves the area around the eyes clear. The burqa is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It is one piece that covers face and body often leaving just a mesh screen for the wearer to see through. There are more names and styles.
Now what is Sri Lanka banning, for goodness’ sake? When France banned head scarves of school girls they were very specific about what was being banned. And the said retired Rear Admiral had better assure the public it is a government order he is giving voice to. Otherwise, there may be retractions, reductions, and mopping up by Gaman or loud circumlocution by Wimal W.
If you ask Cass her opinion, she will say ban all the additions of garb. In Sri Lanka, until Saudi came up with funds accompanied by suggestions (orders really) and their fundamentalism, our Muslim sisters wore their sari a little differently so they could cover their heads with the
‘osariya’ and look beautifully modest. Soft scarves around the head are also attractively demure. Now, some go hardly able to see where they are going. Cass has seen and pitied Muslim girls with a strip of embroidered lace as eye cover. Sure, they will end up defective in sight.
Fall out on Meghan interview
The Brit royal family took its time to respond to the accusations leveled against it by the Duchess of Essex, who was gifted the title, a marvelous Windsor wedding and all graciousness shown her and her black mother, invitees and even the controversial black preacher who, it was seen on TV, brought smirks and surprise, discomfort even as he held forth in the pulpit during the wedding of Harry and Meghan watched my millions all over the world. It cost the British tax payer much more than what Prince William’s wedding had cost: $45.8 million against $34 m.
There had been urgent powwows among the important royals. The Queen surely was
Severe fallout befell talk show Piers Morgan of ITV, who conducts the ‘Good Morning Britain’ show. He had come down really hard on Meghan. But Alex Beresford, co-host of the show, was damagingly critical of Morgan and accused him of damning Meghan at every opportunity. And what was the cat that was let out of the bag? Morgan is supposed to have had a relationship with Meghan and she had dropped him. Naturally, she dropped him and probably others like very hot potatoes when she hooked Prince Harry. Cass labeled her a tough cookie in her article last Friday. She adds a few epithets to this: seasoned, calculating, travelled through the mill, very tough half white – half black American cookie.
Lack of news
Cass has been waiting to hear whether the almost mass vaccinations done in the Western Province has reduced the number of Covid 19 infections and of course – deaths. But she waits in vain. The Island gives a tally of total numbers: not helpful at all to gauge whether the vaccine has been effective. Results should be evident by now. Info seems to be left to others to disseminate.
Cass was very grateful to doctors who have had informative articles published in the daily press. She needs to especially mention Dr B J C Perera, Specialist Consultant Paediatrician who has consistently given good advice about Covid 19 infection and the efficacy of vaccination. In The Island of Wednesday 17 March, he writes succinctly and precisely, and readably, on ‘Covid vaccine: some vital information.’ He allays informatively all fears about the vaccine after the uproar in some European countries over blood clots in the system post-vaccination. We hope Sinhala and Tamil newspapers carry translations of such article or others with vital truths. Cass had a driver. educated and experienced, who asked her whether it was wise to get vaccinated as in their area the story goes around that paralysis follows vaccination. He was believing and scared. Mercifully, he accepted Cass’s condemnation of such fake news and sought vaccination the very next day.
Cass’ point here is this: Why doesn’t the health ministry broadcast notices or news updates on the situ in Sri Lanka regards C-19 infection and urgent dos and don’ts. The State Minister Sudharshini seems busy in the field. What about the Minister of Health, Pavithradevi? Surely, she is now fully recovered after imbibing the kapurala’s peniya? She should direct an information desk. Now we, the public, are left to flounder around, overtaken by fake news and rumours.
To unbiased Cassandra, who often has the milk of human kindness coursing through her veins, obliterating vitriol, the reported-in-papers incident of a very expensive smart phone found buried near the Special Section Y in the Angunukolapelessa Prison near Ranjan Ramanayake’s cell and commented on by State Minister Lohan Ratwatte, is a plant. The now manner is to pile accusation upon accusation on the poor unfortunates in trouble from the opposing side.
Chief Govt Whip Johnston Fernando pronounces: “Anyone who promotes terrorism will be severely dealt with”. We add the implied but unsaid bit: “Anyone outside the SLPP and maybe SLFP.” Those who said things, admittedly better having not said, like Ranjan R are severely dealt with. Those who did and do wrong of immense magnitude like stealing and cheating billions (sugar tax scam) go off free if of the right political colour and allegiance.
That is the Now New Normal, Stupid. Cass dispiritedly says, “We have to lump it and live with it.”