
SLID goes international joining Global Network of Director Institutes



Rasakanth Rasiah SLID Chairman

The Sri Lanka Institute of Directors has been accepted as a member of the internationally renowned Global Network of Director Institutes (GNDI) recently. Comprising a network of 21 international Institutes of Directors who are each recognised as the leading institute for directors and governance in their respective country, SLID members can now stay abreast of emerging global governance issues and collaborate to strengthen the voice of directors in advocating for good governance policies and practices on a global platform.

Since its inception in 2000, SLID has been at the forefront of corporate governance in Sri Lanka with an unwavering commitment to its members, note worthily in pandemic times, to continue to foster and develop better directors and better Boardrooms.

The Chairman Mr Rasakantha Rasiah added that, “Talent wins games and teams win championships. For over two decades SLID has unremittingly striven to provide a platform for aspiring company directors to draw from its considerable resources gathered locally in their endeavour to be directors capable of making noteworthy contributions in laudable governance policies. However, SLID has, perhaps, been hampered in its ultimate corporate governance goals by being perceived, at times, as a lone voice in the wilderness owing to insulated nature. Having now become an integral part of global network of directors, SLID will now be seen to have access to a universal spectrum of corporate awareness and its members would do well to take advantage of the significantly enhanced opportunities SLID is now in a position to offer. SLID will also, through its local membership of directors, drawn from local and multinational companies in Sri Lanka, make useful contribution to the international directors’ forum thereby becoming a useful part of the international directors network.” Representing SLID at the GNDI will be SLID’s CEO – Radika Obeyesekere.

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