Simple remedies for hair growth
LOOK GOOD – with Disna
I’m always asked for remedies for hair growth. Obviously, everyone does long for a lovely head of hair. Okay, check these out. I’ll have more for you next week, connected with hair growth
* Eggs for Hair Growth:
Here’s one of the classic, but still effective, hair growth tips. Except for vitamin C, eggs contain all of the best essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals. The fatty acids that are present in the yolk can improve the skin on your scalp and fight dandruff while making it glossy and shiny. The lecithin, also found in the egg, can help to reduce frizziness and ensures that your hair does not become brittle.
Whisk two yolks and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mask to your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse it out with cold water and then shampoo your hair as usual.
Then rinse the mixture out with cold water. Remember that rinsing it with warm or hot water may cause the egg to stick to your hair.
* Garlic for Hair Growth:
While you may not think that garlic is useful for hair growth, it may surprise you to learn that garlic can fortify your hair shaft. In a 2007 study, it turns out that garlic contains sulfur and selenium which help to replenish any lost hair as well as strengthen existing hair.
Crush garlic and onion into a blender and blend until it creates a beautiful pulp. Heat some oil, such as olive oil, in a pan and then add the garlic and onion mixture.
Once the combination has turned completely brown, turn off the heat. Let it cool and then strain the pulp of oil.
Gently massage two tablespoons into your scalp. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes; cover the rest of your hair with the oil again and then let it sit for 30 more minutes.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.