Shake away the old, accept the new
“A time to say goodbye and a time to say hello. A time to bid farewell and a time to look forward. A time to let go and a time to learn new things, that’s what happens when the New Year rings in.” Catherine Pulsifer
We have said goodbye to a crime filled year of great privations, shortages, long queues of waiting, harvests destroyed and hardships. Three quarters of the population suffered these and of them about a quarter were mired in poverty. The quarter who were above this line enjoyed the festive season and even before did not suffer. A few went through the entire year constantly wining and dining, shopping and celebrating. Almost to a man and woman these good times were because of illicit money made.
Sliver of redeeming light
The Aragalaya was born of a mix of frustration, lost hopes, youthful optimism, recognition of the direness of situations and self sacrificial sharing. The mostly young protestors were peaceful and decent, and gave hope to most others while instilling fear, for the first time in this country, in the innards of corrupt politicians and high officials. The Gotagogama protesters, given moral support from sub aragalayas in other cities and regions, demanded system change. They did not achieve this but succeeded in driving away the President; inducing the PM to resign and with it withdrawal of family members.
The President at the time, a military man, supposedly ruthless, quietly slunk away to foreign lands. He returned but with no fanfare and stayed absolutely quiet with no testing the water for a comeback. He was sensible enough to know he had no chance. He desired to go back to quiet living in the States but was refused a visa. He is, Cass believes, in tinsel country Dubai as yet with plenty of money in hand but no hopes in heart and mind. At least we thank him for quietly leaving this country. Not so his brother – a citizen of the USA – who keeps returning and is fully into politics. He is supposed to pull the strings of even the present President who was named a Rajapaksa a few moons ago. But one situ we have to thank Ranil W R for is his not expanding the Cabinet (as yet) to cater to loyalists of the pohottuwa and handpicked sycophants of Brother Basil. If he goes, the country will surely improve. The Prez is beholden to BB and the Buds but managed not to buckle down. Also, let us acknowledge the fact he is trying to right the economy of the country. His greatest aide in this is the Gov of the CB.
The Aragalaya also cleared away the fear that encapsulated the ordinary man so he only whispered to his neighbour and/or surreptitiously placed his ear against the grapevine. Room was made for verbal and written criticism of government, persons within it, and politicians. And thus, while the corrupt just breezily went on their corrupt way with total immunity guaranteed, they now know they are being watched by millions of citizen eyes.However, infiltration by nasty elements who knew only violent protesting spoilt the silent protests at Gotagogama and thus came in harsh rules and strict restrictions. Wasantha still languishes in remand.
Never any amity or cooperation
Listening to TV news this last week, Cassandra’s surprise deepened and was consolidated that never is there agreement in the House by the Diyawanna. She noticed eternal conflict between institution and trade unions whether of the Colombo Port or CEB or LOC. This, she surmises is another quirk or condition endemic in Siri Lanka whereas in older democracies like the UK, they agree on certain vital issues and when they disagree it results in decent debate and not confrontational slinging mud, stones and sticks.
Take for instance the latest huge question and matter of political pontification: Will local govt elections be held before March this year or not. Cass will not elaborate on this issue as you have heard Sajit, Anura Kumara D and others steam over this q. There is a move to reduce the number of members in provincial councils, which themselves are useless as many citizens proclaim and a mere drain on the very limited money the country has or will have. India insists on them. The very sensible motion moved was to reduce huge numbers to about half. Time is being taken on planning this out and Opposition Parties accuse this is a ruse to delay elections by the govt which fears it will be roundly defeated.
What Cass thought as sensible was for all parties to agree to new rules and regulation and revision of numbers in the local bodies and thus contestants at an election. The opposition parties then have to scream their guts out and see to it that reforming will be very much quickened and elections under new rules and formats could be held by March 20. Merely sensible, man!
There seemed to be consensus among parties to Ranil’s proposed all-party conf to bring in reconciliation of the races. Amity was welcome, but no further news. Eternal delays brought into this proposition too.
Overhaul in work ethics urgently needed
A visiting Korean advisor had to spell out this urgently needed erasing of a national trait or ethos. President of the Korean Disaster Relief Foundation, Cho Sung Lea, showed no false politeness or reluctance to bang straight on a nail that is a huge obstacle to development in all spheres in our land. He named the obstacle: the all-over, ever-present malaise and don’t care attitude of almost all Sri Lankans from top to bottom.
Chinese and Indians and by extension our own Tamils are hardworking, seldom waste time, work committedly. Hence no wonder the nations where Chinese form a part of the population have advanced- solidly, steadily and rapidly. Korea in just 40 years became a newly industrialized country. Indians head governments and corporations worldwide – Rishi Sunak. Consider how Jaffna, devastated and reduced to dust, has risen and is now a thriving, economically bustling region.
Teachers in rural schools and even city government schools do not give of their best. Cass taught long ago in a Maha Vidyalaya down South. Teachers set mundane routine tasks to their class like singing an English ditty for 40 minutes and sat chatting in the staff room.
Routine of many middle and lower staffers in a semi govt institution she worked in was arrive in office 8.30; breakfast- not mere sandwiches but the full works; arrange desk and discuss travel and previous evening till 10.00. Work up to 11.30. Get ready for lunch; scoot off; doze and do a bit of work from 3.00 to 4.00. Bye bye at 4.30 sharp. And was Cass a paragon of virtue and busy bee? Not on your life. Infection of the malaise spread to her too.
Time was when you went to a govt off ice to get some work done and met the officer’s coat draped on his chair. His midmorning tea interval lasted forever. Now you usually meet a grumpuss who, if he does a bit of work, treats it as if you have to be eternally beholden to him, Every minor contingency at home has the woman worker on short leave, casual leave or just absconding during the day.
Unpunctuality is another inborn trait in most Sinhalese people. The epitome of this was Madame Chandrika B K, who kept the Princess Royal of GB standing and waiting for her while before school functions in which the then Prez was Chief Guest, kids lined up sun burnt, fainted, sun struck – for hours, not minutes. The Korean who pointedly pointed out our national failure verbally struck hard at the State Minister of Social Empowerment Anupa Pasqual who came late for a meeting the Korean was speaking at.
Oh Lanka, Oh Lanka! No wonder we are in the nadir of social development, even mere existence. Govs of CBs, PMs and Prezes pushed us there but we Ordinaries stay put because of our laissez faire, don’t care stupidity.May 2023 change our collective personalities and attitude to work!