
Security for protecting records and productions in court houses most inadequate



by Nihal de Alwis

It is time that the Government and agencies like the Justice Ministry, AG’S Department, Legal Draftmans Dept. and the Police, form a committee and take appropriate measures to prevent (1) Sabotage by corrupt court house staff. (2) Organisations and individuals aimed at destroying evidence against them. (3) Fire. (4) Theft and (5) Burglary.


During the hours the courts function there is visible security intended to prevent disturbances, a pandemic or entry of persons carrying firearms etc. which is done at random or with no proper search as some in the legal profession detest this being done by an “ordinary security guard.” This is what I would call an “eyewash”!

A proper study must be done of the extent of threat and vulnerability posed to enhance security measures in force. The best would be a team comprising of senior police officers, STF Commandant, senior officer From THE AG’s dept, senior officer from the courthouses and a retired senior judge of the Supreme Court/ Appeal Court/ High Court who could chair it. A chief Inspector of the Pettah (or relevant) Police is a must in such abody as they know best about the environment and crime in the area etc



Following measures are recommended. (1) Security must be provided 24×7 to all courthouses (2) The perimeter must be tightened limiting entry and exit after proper security checks in the form of screening and adequate staff must be provided to ensure these are carried out without delay as it can cause other problems. (3) The approach to courthouses must be declared High Security Zones (HSZ) (4) All points must be covered with CCTV cameras with the monitoring being done by at least two persons competent to read them and take action.

They must be provided with communication walkie-talkies and an alarm to be sounded in an emergency where there will be a response squad and an ambulance available. Of course security on non-working days can be relaxed but adequate staff must be present guarding and monitoring the cameras with communication with a “response squad” being available in an emergency. The HSZ should be enforced even on non working days as a preventive measure. (5) Access to chambers/record rooms and production rooms must be on a ‘Need To Go’ basis and all such officers should use their thumb print on a machine permitting them entry (the latest method is retina identification). All must be covered by CCTV. (6) All such places must be well secured with a combination lock used by two persons at least. (7) these places must be well protected from fire with fire resistant material and fire alarms and sprinklers with adequate provision made to use a water tank in an emergency. (8) Software records must be protected with additional measures and valuable evidence duplicated and stored in vaults which the courts should posses in a HSZ provided for such measures.

Even now the courthouses do not have adequate facilities to protect productions as they are haphazardly stored with minimum security, leaving room for corruption and negligence. (9) Most court houses have dilapidated buildings built haphazardly with no proper security incorporated into them. The wiring is very old and will definitely be blamed for any fire that occurs.



None of the courthouses have taken appropriate measures to ensure a contingency plan is in place in case of a disaster. No preparation has been made despite our long war to face a disaster in terms of a fire, sabotage, violence, floods etc. Nobody will know what to do! The poor policemen will have to come to the rescue. Fire squads must be installed at each police station plus public places like courthouses so that they are there when required as every minute counts in a fire. Having a contingency plan will not solve all issues, but the staff including the police must rehearse the necessary drills (perhaps on weekends) as practice makes perfect.



While complainants, family of suspects, witnesses etc. have to be accommodated in courthouses, a different approach must be adopted to ensure effective security by limiting the number of such persons allowedadmission. They should be made to come at least one and a half or two hours before court commences sittings. They must be discouraged from bringing, parcels bags etc and they must be videoed to enable future tracing if required. This will certainly act as a deterrent to various crimes. All entrances and exits must be covered by CCTV. Even lawyers must be discouraged from carrying their mobile phones into a courthouse as they are are not above the law and no exceptions should be made. All lawyers should wear their identity card and it will be better if they are required to swipe them at the entrance to enable entry

Trust this will receive the attention of the concerned authorities.


(The writer, a former intelligence officer, is a graduate of the Institute of International Security, UK, and past president of the Industrial Security Foundation (Incorporated by Act No 51 of 1999)

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