
Rotary Club of Wariyapola win TRR Rajan Cricket Sixes’



The champion Rotary and Rotaract Club Teams with their supporters

The Rotary Club of Wariyapola defeated the Rotary Cub of Colombo Mid-City to clinch the TRR Rajan memorial trophy at Nittawela Rugby stadium Kandy recently.

The Roteract Club of the University of Peradeniya and Nallur Heritage were joint champs in the Roteract category.

The championship organised by the Rotary Club of Kandy exclusively for Rotarians and Rotaractors of Sri Lanka was sponsored by Sun match Company in memory of its founder entrepreneur and business personality late T.R.R Rajan, together with Crystal pack Pvt Ltd, Swarna and sons Pvt Ltd, W.K.

Holding Pvt Ltd, Easy fit Pvt Ltd and Pharmax Healthcare Pvt Ltd.

‘Late T.R.R. Rajan better known as ‘TRR’ was the 51st president of the Rotary Club of Kandy. He was a versatile sportsman, sports benefactor, philanthropist and above all a gentleman of the highest caliber. He sponsored the Kandy Sports Club rugby team in 1992, the year they won the Clifford Cup, and the Old Trinitians Sports Club rugby team. He also gave a big hand for hockey which his father P.T.Rajan re-introduced to Kandy.

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