
Rotaract organises Lanka Trails



Rotaract in Rotary International District (RID) 3220, is poised to organize ‘Lanka Trails’, the first ever cultural exchange tour for Rotaractors from foreign districts. The tour is slated to be conducted over a span of seven days and will include visits to various cultural and historical cities within the country. Moreover, the primary motive of the tour is to bolster Sri Lanka’s tourism industry and allow participants to indulge in a unique experience of the island and its wonders.

The opening ceremony for this exchange tour, ‘Lanka Fiesta’, will be held at Ape Gama, Battaramulla, on the 16th of January from 5 pm onwards. This ceremony will include a cultural fusion of Sri Lanka’s finest wonders.

Following this, the 33rd Rotaract District Conference, one of the most significant events of the Rotaract year, will be held at Temple Trees on the 18th of February. The event is geared towards inspiring the next generation of leaders in the Rotaract movement.

Similar to Lanka Trails, the Rotaractors of Sri Lanka will be participating in ‘Rotasia’, South Asia’s largest Rotaract conference which will be held in Bangalore, India. A delegation of 100 Rotaractors from the island will be participating in Rotasia, which is a significant milestone for Rotaract in RID 3220.

Rotaract in Sri Lanka and the Maldives has evolved from a simple volunteering movement, to one consisting of multi-faceted partners from all angles of the corporate world. The movement definitely would not be what it is today, if not for the strenuous cooperation extended by these wonderful partners towards strengthening Rotaract in Sri Lanka.

Rotaract in Rotary International District 3220 is the administrative body of all Rotaract Clubs island-wide and is headed by the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Rtr. PP Sathma Jayasinghe for the year 2023-24. She aims to transform the movement into one where each and every Rotaractor is given access to better opportunities, along with being value-adding citizens to the nation.

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