
Roshan Mahanama’s inconvenience at the BIA



Roshan Mahanama

by Dr D Chandraratna

A fact check in Colombo by fellow contributor to The Island Sanjeewa Jayaweera has alerted me to the background anent the above matter. Since Roshan only wanted the Sri Lankan health authorities to streamline the issuance of Digital Certification of Covid Vaccination of Sri Lankan citizens who have had one or two of the doses in other countries, the Health Ministry must take steps to update their record so that such travellers will not be inconvenienced when undertaking overseas travel

As a public-spirited citizen Roshan has expressed his concern quite appropriately. I understand that Roshan had, on a couple occasions, communicated with the authorities to get his digital vaccination certificate to include the doses he had taken in London. I am told that he was unsuccessful on both occasions.

It is necessary that the authorities in Sri Lanka assist their citizens in this matter because most countries now only accept digital certificates with a QR code or alternatively a digital application which can be accessed on one’s mobile phone. I understand Sri Lanka only issues a digital certificate with a QR code.

I am told that the National Health Services (NHS) in the United Kingdom have a set up a procedure where International Students, in particular and others, can call over at an office and submit proof of vaccinations taken overseas which then is uploaded to the NHS application system. I therefore see no reason why our Sri Lankan authorities cannot implement a similar system to assist people like Roshan. As he had quite correctly pointed out, he has been responsible enough to have taken all the vaccinations as recommended by the health authorities in Sri Lanka and world over. It is therefore unfair to place barriers before them.

Airlines have been entrusted by countries to ensure that passengers prove their vaccination status before being allowed to emplane. Any passenger can be rightly aggrieved to find that they must sort the matter at the last minute. The cost and the embarrassment to be barred from embarkation to the passenger is horrendous.

Digital communication is used for expeditious processing without the rigmarole of the normal letter writing of yesterday. By the same token it also demands that authorities who keep records are prompt and efficient in their responsibilities. From every angle this is a serious matter that demands prompt attention on the part of the Sri Lankan Health authorities, and we hope that his courteous appeal will straighten the system hiccups.

We are sometimes let down by the web portals not being updated regularly when we seek up to date information about services in this fast-moving world. We know from experience that bureaucracies are organised as formal structures and quite rightly we are happy with the impersonal treatment of everyone equally. We are not offended by impersonal treatment so long as the services are reasonably efficient. Impersonal treatment without favours is fine by the clientele because affective treatment of some will be characterized by various epithets and is a manifestation of injured sentiments.

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