Review of the book ‘Buddhist Philosophy and Neuroscience’
authored by Dr Channa Ratnatunga.
I think the book Buddhist Philosophy and Neuroscience’ is a kind of ‘Atuwawa’ (Commentary) explaining the scientific basis of the deeper doctrine of Buddhism.A scientist especially with a biological or medical background who has an inclination to try to understand Buddhism, tends to view the deeper doctrine with his forte. This book possibly is a result of this tendency to contemplate on these lines.
Though this subject is commonly discussed in Western countries, I think this is the first time this kind of book has been written in Sri Lanka, and it is no easy task.
It is interesting to find out whether Western scientists who postulated Default Mode Network (DMN) and Central Executive Network (CEN) based it on the Buddhist doctrine and later did the research to prove it or vice versa. Ven: Ajahn Brahms describes these states as doer (DMN) and knower (CEN).
It is a very difficult task to research on subtle mental states, the explanation of these two states based on dependent arising and five aggregates of grasping is quite plausible.
Understanding of Annata doctrine based on neuroplasticity is interesting and self-protection and adaptation and neuroplasticity is almost experiential.
I am quite fascinated by the discussion on insight meditation, how it is helpful in subduing or neutralizing five aggregates of grasping (DMN) by bringing the CEN gradually to the fore. The CEN or equanimity as a state of mind building up to replace the DMN, which is enlighten-ment.
Discerning reader or Meditator would also like a Sutra based explanation of this phenomenon. Sutra based explanation is more palpable for the insight meditator.
This book covers a vast area, almost all the main principles. One has to contemplate and discuss further. It may not be a bad idea, to have a ‘Symposium’ on this subject.
My knowledge got fortified after reading the book.
Dr Ranjit Jayasekera
The book (151 pages) costs per copy: Rs 800/=, Available at Sarasavi Book shops and BPS Kandy