
Remembering Feb. 4, 1948



Viewing the Independence day celebrations over TV with my grandchildren, my thoughts flashed back to the first celebration held in 1948 at Vaughan Park, Nawalapitiya, where I took part in the march past as a boy scout, giving the three finger scout salute as I passed the saluting dais. The chief guest, as far as I remember, was Major O.L.M.Lebbe in his military regalia. He hoisted the Lion Flag to the beat of drums.

Vaughan Park was then a small playground for schools to play their matches – cricket, football and athletic events, and other celebrations and public meetings. Sadly, this playground is today the bus stand and shops for vendors. A new playground with all facilities has now been built on a picturesque site at Bowagama bordering Mahaveli Ganga. I see in my mind’s eye my two sisters in white lama sariya in the troupe singing Jayamangala Gatha. The cultural pageant was very well organized, with an elephant leading and Kandyan dancing to the beat of drums. Bare bodied Veddas in leafy costumes with bows and arrows, a kavedi dance to the tune naga salang, Muslim boys in traditional dress chanting some verse from the Quran, a float in an open lorry showing the landing of Vijaya, followed with a statue of Sangamitta Theri with a Bo-sapling. Nawalapitiya was well known then as a Railway Town with those ‘happy go lucky’ Burghers adding color to this Independence celebrations with the Railway Institute well decorated and ballroom dancing till dawn

That said, what do we see today? Aping mostly Western countries with a military display of parading soldiers with rifles, artillery, tanks, fighter planes and warships. Ours is a peace-loving country, placing much value in the teachings of Buddha, who preached, Metta,[Kindness] Muditha,[Empathy]Karuna,[Compassion] Upeksha,[equanimity]; hence the display goes against what is embodied in our Constitution giving the foremost place to Buddhism. What we should have displayed is our Buddhist cultural rites and rituals along with Tamil and Muslim displays.

Now, I come to my understanding of the word ‘INDEPENDENCE’. I consider all living beings – human, animal and vegetable dependent on the sun, air and water as interdependent. We humans depend on one another and nature for all our needs. So countries should celebrate their National Days without display of their military might and main with world organizations seeing to the well-being of all people and countries.


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