
Remedies for healthy hair growth…



Hair fall and thinning of hair are common issues today.

Yes, of course, there are home remedies that could overcome these problems, and I’m highlighting a few today.

By the way, thank you for all the encouraging comments that have come my way.

Okay, let’s start with

Coconut Oil…for Dandruff:

Take 01 or 02 tablespoons of coconut oil and rub it directly onto the scalp, ensuring all areas of the scalp are covered.

Let it sit for 30 to 60 minutes and then rinse and remove the oily effect with a gentle shampoo.

Comb out your hair from the base of your scalp to the tips of your hair to make sure all the flakes are removed.

To get the best results, repeat this process once or twice times a week.

The amount of time you leave coconut oil on your scalp may vary. One study found that a twice weekly application of coconut oil, massaged into the scalp for 20 minutes, and then left on the scalp for two hours, before a shampoo wash, offered benefits in keeping the scalp healthy.

*  Onion Juice:

Peel and chop one onion into small pieces and blend the chopped onion in a blender, or food processor, until it becomes a fine paste

Strain the paste to extract the juice and apply this juice directly to your scalp and hair roots.

Leave the onion juice on your hair for at least 30 minutes to an hour, and then rinse your hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo and cool water.

Yoghurt, Honey, Aloe Vera:

Make a mixture of yoghurt, honey and aloe vera and apply this paste on your hair, from the roots to the tips of your hair, in sections, till your hair is entirely covered in the mixture. Leave for about 30-40 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. You can add a banana to this mask if you have dry hair. The pack is extremely beneficial for healthy hair growth.

Cucumber Juice:

Drinking cucumber juice will provide your body with silicon, sodium, calcium, sulphur, etc., all of which are the nutrients that are needed for hair growth and hair strengthening.

Where your hair is concerned, all you need to do is, rinse your hair with cucumber juice regularly and you will see the difference.

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