Providing drinking water for over 235 families of Abhayapura village, Avissawella
The inauguration ceremony of installation of a water tank and pipeline system to supply the drinking water facility to over 235 families (more than 900 residents) living in Abhayapura village, in Avissawella, was held recently (Dec. 16). President of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Seva Vanitha Branch, Shammi Jayawardena, graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
The project was jointly organized by Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Religious Youth Services (RYS), International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) Sri Lanka with the patronage of Sri Lanka Youth, Ministry of Youth and Sports under the RYS /UPF Island Friendship Project 2022.
Photo Shows Shammi Jayawardane with Dinesha Liyanasuriya (General Secretary, RYS SL), Champa Cumarathunga (UPF SL), Alvin Pang (Education Director – RYS Global) Dr. Chula Senaratne (Secretary General, UPF SL), Sarrajh Sajjidin (President IAYSP SL), Pulinda Prabath Sankalpa (Project Coordinator).