Proposals for interim govt.
It is no secret that the entire country wants the President, PM and the Cabinet to resign. Before any resignation, rush 21A to bring back 19A with changes. If the changes are delaying, have the 19A passed for the present. All MPs must think about the future of our country and must not split hairs when amending the Constitution, to suit their agendas. All amendments must suit the country. Since Mahinda too is agreed to bring back 19A the 150 votes will not be difficult.
The President, PM and the Cabinet must resign after the Constitution amendment. Bring Karu Jayasuriya, from the national list, and appoint him President. I am sure Harin will pave the way by resigning his seat for Karu to enter Parliament. Now appoint a PM by majority vote. Since the people cried for Mahinda and Gotabhaya to resign, Mahinda cannot contest for Prime Ministership.
Appoint a Cabinet from all parties. This Cabinet will consist 15 Ministers and 15 Deputies only. Those who are appointed to the Cabinet must have expertise and/or professional qualifications to take care of the Ministry assigned. No State Ministers. Appoint 15 Committees, each committee consisting of five members, from the members of public who have achieved eminence, in their respective fields, to cover Finance, Engineering, Public Administration, Health and other. We have many retired Public Servants, too, who can help in these committees. Each of these committees can advise the Cabinet Ministers assigned to them. Ministers will not have personal advisors and that must be done away for good.
All the Parliamentarians must agree not to receive their salaries, perks, and all allowances for one year or until the elections are held. People expect the Parliamentarians, too, to show some solidarity. The Committee members will receive a payment for the sacrifices they make in taking up these tasks.
Each Minister, within two weeks of taking office, must table a plan on how the different agencies, attached to the Ministry, can run profitably. The Committees can assist them with expertise in preparing the plans/reports.
CB Governor Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe is hopeful of showing some interim results to IMF within three months and if the above proposal, with changes where necessary, is followed, that will be a huge backup for the Central Bank and the new Finance Minister to support our cause for the IMF bailout sooner.
The public, too, must understand that the cost of living cannot be brought down in a hurry, and it will take at least more than six months to slowly bring the cost of living down. Finally, before the next elections, new salaries for MPs must be gazetted. The perks, allowances for sittings, payment of electricity water, fuel allowances, car permits, etc., to be removed altogether. This will put on notice those who wish to contest future elections that Parliament is no place to make money.
People are watching and we can see how patriotic our MPs are when the salary issue with the new changes are tabled in Parliament for a vote. Those who vote against can be identified and voters can avoid sending them to Parliament
Hemal Perera