
Private member’s motion on King Ravana



SJB Matara District MP, Buddhika Pathirana, has submitted a parliamentary motion enabling “a systemic study” about King Ravana on whom there is no “specific historical information.”

The MP, in the motion listed in the latest Addendum to the Order Book of Parliament, says that such a study would help “unveil a hidden period of time in Lankan history”. He also hopes that the study would be able to find “the knowledge that King Ravana possessed” and that ancient wisdom could be used to uplift the country from its present predicament.

The proposal tentatively listed for the presentation in the House as a Private Member motion on Dec 09, under the title ‘Conducting a systematic study about King Ravana’, says :

“That this Parliament resolves that a study should be conducted about King Ravana through a panel of experts due to the fact that a study on King Ravana enables to unveil a hidden period of time in Sri Lankan history, and use the knowledge that King Ravana possessed for the uplifting of the country and enhance the attitudes in the country about him, even though specific historical information about him is not available.”

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