
Please, let sense prevail with letting go of political supremacy



The world is full of natural disasters, abject misery. Turkey and Syria have already lost 33,000 lives and 40,000 affected by the earthquake that hit major territories of these countries on Monday 6 February. With the passing of possible survival of 72 hours, the death toll shot up and is still rising. Predicted total of deaths is 40,000. Nations have gone to their aid and workers battle in the stricken areas with further quakes forecast. A further Cassandra Cry has been sounded by a scientist who knows what he is talking about: that quakes will continue outwards reaching even North India.

Cyclone Gabrielle struck peaceful and relatively prosperous New Zealand. One shock they suffered recently was the resignation of PM Jacintha Arden for no given reason. It was said her popularity was somewhat waning, but it could decrease much more for her to lose the shine she sent forth as a humane, empathetic, efficient prime minister. Maybe she felt her time to quit had arrived to handover her position of power to another; maybe she wanted to spend more time with her growing child and revert to comfortable home maker and mother. And then struck Gabrielle. New Zealand is rich enough, sensible and well balanced to tide over this recent disaster.

The manmade disasters are what cannot be tolerated and taken in people’s stride. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is the black spot on earth at present with the EU, UK and USA coming to Ukraine’s assistance. With what? Killer arms – very necessary, but more lives will be lost for no reason at all. It is reported that migrants on Russian soil are being conscripted to go to Ukraine to battle and probably die in a war they have absolutely no reason to be in.

The Iranian government is still adamant to command what a woman wears. The latest victim is 25-year old Chess Champion Sara Khadam who has been thrown out of the country for taking part in a chess tournament in Kazakhistan with no hijab worn. Thank heavens she was only declared a refugee than beheaded as they are doing publicly for protesting against the regime and its inhuman rigidity since September 16, 2022.The protest was because of the killing of Mahsa Amini while in police custody. Her ‘crime’ again was going about without a head covering. In Iran there is a morality police or some such evil organisation. We, all over the world, salute these two girls and thousands of other Iranian women who protest a woman’s right to dress as she wishes. Very fortunately the chess player has gone to Spain. Many countries are sure to invite her as she has committed no crime. Of course, one fears for her family left behind.

The third is the very recent triple death by shooting in a university in Michigan.What is the cause for these manmade disasters, so very unnecessary and crimes against humanity? Many causes – most devised and insisted upon – and /or acted upon by individual person’s orders. This may sound simple and Cass derided for cockeyed reasoning. That is definitely not so. Stated simply; stark truths. Politics, ambition, stubbornness of leaders, disregard for human rights and human individuality are the defects of the individuals who perpetuate the above stated crimes.

Dread felt for the future of SL

Cass comes to the point she is attempting to make. The aforementioned disasters lend us symbols to express what we fear. An earthquake; cyclone; stamping out peaceful protests; use of strongarm tactics; repression of legitimate rights. How? We have already witnessed with justified horror the last three mentioned right here in our loved country. And if our govt persists in the path it has taken the entire country will be thrown into spasms of trouble. A blood bath when all we should be doing is concentrating on restoring the economy of the country.

If the government does not move with absolute caution, understanding, discussion and justified appeasement of protestors and protests, we are in for an earthquake of tumultuous magnitude, and it is man-made. And like a cyclone, destruction will spread all over the island, except perhaps isolated places like Jaffna where people are occupied with life’s tasks to waste time protesting.

We may have an unshakeable, completely rigid person – aberrated leader like the unmovable present Ayatollah, or whoever the leader in Iran is. Or determined-to-war ex KGB Putin. But out present leader is an educated, sensible politician of many years. Surely, he has wise advisors, other than those selfish beasties who try to puppet him.

Ranil Wickremasinghe should recall and follow his uncle J R Jayewardene’s ‘world changing speech’ at the Peace Conference in San Francisco in September 1951 when 51 nations gathered to determine the status of war defeated Japan in the Post WWII international system. JRJ announced: “We do not intend to seek reparations from Japan for we believe in the words of the Great Teacher whose message has ennobled the lives of countless millions in Asia, that hatred ceases not by hatred but by love.” Japan is still grateful and remembers JRJ and assists SL (though we have conveniently forgotten his greatness in some circumstances).

Cass mentions this with pride and sincerity and with the plea that protestors are treated with consideration and fairness. Talk with them, and they have to be sympathetic and realise protests are the worst for our beleaguered land at this time. DO NOT incarcerate Wasantha M again.

Jacintha Arden is an example to follow: resign when the time comes, which however she has done before her time was up. We are not asking Ranil Wickremasinghe to resign. Not at all. At the moment he is the best available. But those with ambitions to come back to power; know-alls from overseas who come over, create trouble insidiously, and then fly first class to their palatial homes overseas, should resign from active politics.

All our politicians and more especially our leaders must know that life, as the Buddha said, is always full of loss and gain, fame and ill-fame, good times and bad. Victory and defeat too. The SLPP, created by Basil Rajapaksa, won a long ago local govt election hands down. The entire campaign was planned by him. So great that a fledgling political party beat its parent – SLFP, the oldest UNP and JVP. But now those victors must realise success does not last always. You win or loose elections. The very most important is to be honest in elections and face the music – win or lose. Delaying LG polls will never bring them back to power, so postponement is pointless.

The crux here is that LG elections must be held on March 9 as decided by the EC, if the SC assents. Otherwise a human mass strike and upheaval will result, as already threatened. That must be prevented at all costs. What does it cost Ranil and the Rajapaksa government to be less stubborn, listen to the people, and do what is just, like holding elections. Ranil will go on as Prez, and even the Parliament and central government till general elections (whenever they are held). So what use planning postponements by foul methods since there are no fair means?

Short takes

A news snippet on page 1 of The Island of February 14 (Goodness Valentine’s Day!) that should NOT have appeared read thus: ‘LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran alive, claims Pasha Nedumaran.’ A powerless octogenarian who hallucinates but wants a stir – leader of a Tamil nationalist movement. His words were filed in Chennai. He goes further to say VP will appear soon and also calls for the Indian govt. to help him.After Rajiv Gandhi was suicidally blown to bits as he bent his head to acknowledge the presence of a woman who was loaded with bombs? The bomber and her companions were LTTErs from north Sri Lanka, but it was on Indian soil that the murder was carried out and Rajiv was a past and future leader of India.Why Cass said such news need not be published is because we Ordinaries may take it with a laugh or sneer and forget it the next moment. But there are crazy coots who might even believe it. Let the dead be dead. Prabhakaran was definitely dead and the body identified to be him, with no doubt whatsoever. We do not want him brought back, more so in the tallest of absurd predictions. The Editor dealt with this tidbut hilariously on Wed 15/2, Thanks!

Our Queen. Most delightful seeing a picture of Iranganie Serasinghe being presented a lifetime award by the very dynamic and admirable US Ambasador to SL – Julie Chung. The first and last thought was how beautiful Irangani is. Next thought – what an excellent actor and person. Thank the gods for good people in Sri Lanka. There still are very many in all strata of life.

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