



* Acne:

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and bromelain and works wonders in treating acne. The enzyme bromelain has been considered effective in softening the skin and reducing inflammation. Consuming pineapple juice aids the body in producing collagen, which helps skin stay firm and flexible. Similarly, vitamin C and amino acids help in repairing cells and tissues.

* Healthy Nails:

Brittle and dry nails, or cracked and split nails, are the indications of vitamins A and B deficiencies in the body. Since pineapple juice is a great source of these two vitamins, consider drinking it for healthy, shining nails. In case you have cuticles, apply a mixture of two tablespoons of pineapple juice and an egg yolk on the infected area. Allow it to settle for about five minutes. It works as a natural softener due to the enzyme bromelain in pineapple. Push your softened cuticles back to their nail beds using a cotton swab. Finally, rinse your fingers off with warm water and apply some good-quality hand lotion.

* Youthful Skin:

You can have smooth, supple and glowing skin simply through pineapple. This fruit helps in keeping the skin flexible and firm because pineapple adds to collagen synthesis. It houses skin-friendly nutrients, like vitamin C and amino acids, all of which are skin-friendly nutrients. If needed, apply fresh pineapple directly to your face to get the most out of it.

* Flawless Face:

The vitamins A and C, present in pineapples, fight out all signs of ageing, like wrinkles, fine lines, and uneven skin tone. Furthermore, tanned or sun damaged skin can be restored through pineapple. Cut a pineapple, horizontally, to slice it in the shape of a ring. Toss one slice of pineapple and two tablespoons of coconut milk into a mixer. Then apply the mask on your face and neck, and leave it for about three minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

(Important: If you are applying pineapple pulp on your face, go for a patch test first behind your ear – just to check whether you have any skin reactions.)

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