Our rock star…
Our very own rock star, Chitral Somapala, is certainly rocking the scene, with his music and presentation…and style.
The spotlight is invariably on him, whenever he is billed to perform, and that’s because he has the ability to excite a crowd.
Chitral is a major attraction, not only locally, but abroad, as well.
In March, this year, he will be in New York, to perform at a dinner dance, called ‘A Night With Legends’.
The poster, advertising this event, says ‘Music and cricket lovers be ready to blast a night with A MASTER AND A ROCK STAR.’
The MASTER is Sanath Jayasuriya and the ROCK STAR – Chitral, of course.
In March, Chitral also has a date in Washington D.C., at Rendezvous Rockville, scheduled for the 4th.