‘One Country, One Law’ proposals: Prez receives report; to be made public after Cabinet clearance
The Presidential Task Force (PTF) on ‘One Country, One Law’ Concept yesterday (29) handed over its recommendations to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
Sources told The Island the 133-page report, along with 43 recommendations, would be made public once the President cleared it with the Cabinet of Ministers. Tamil and English translations would be made available soon, they said
President Rajapaksa received a copy of the report from head of the PTF, Ven. Galagodattte Gnanasara,at the President’s House. Senior Assistant Secretary to the President, Jeewanthi Senanayake, functioned as the Secretary to the PTF. The Island learns that members of the PTF worked on voluntary basis.
Political sources pointed out that the PTF’s recommendations had to be examined along with the draft of the new Constitution prepared by a team of experts, led by Romesh de Silva, PC, as well as the proposed 21st Amendment to the Constitution.
Ministerial sources said that the PTF’s recommendations wouldn’t be really relevant to the 21st Amendment as well as the new draft Constitution because Ven. Gnanasara’s task force had dealt with personal laws. Sources said that the issues at hand couldn’t be considered without taking into consideration the change of the political environment with UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinge becoming the Prime Minister,in addition to Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakse, PC, receiving the justice portfolio. (SF)