NSB honoured with prestigious accolades
The Annual Report 2021 of the National Savings Bank “Inspired by Values…Driven by Purpose… Shaped by Technology” was awarded with four main prestigious accolades for the fourth time at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards. The award ceremony held on the 31st October 2021 was graced by the distinguished presence of the Honorable High Commissioner of Canada. The occasion was held at the Taj Samudra Colombo and adorned by several other eminent personalities in the field on accounting and finance.
The Bank is esteemed to have won four awards for “Bronze award as the Second Runner Up”, “One of the Five Excellent Integrated reports”, “Special Award for Best Disclosure on Materiality” and “Best Integrated Report for Banking and Finance Category in the State-Owned Enterprises/Companies Sector” amongst all the market leaders in all the sectors of the country. Over 40 Annual Reports from top Sri Lankan companies comprising multinational conglomerates and leading state and private institutions competed for the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards.
NSB has been continuously recognized and rewarded for our commitment towards best practices in annual reporting amidst various corporations, small companies, government agencies, non-profit organization and associations as well as agencies from different sectors and industries are participated in the competitions.
The Bank’s success is reflected in our Annual Report and it is heartening to see our hard work recognized through these Awards. These awards are validating our commitment towards creating value for all our stakeholders, improved communication on our performance, strategy, prospects and corporate governance in a timely, reliable and transparent manner. We are dedicating our success to all our stakeholders, including our customers, the State as the sole shareholder and our employees, said a release by the Bank.