
More on crocodile tears



Mr Editor, it was heartening to observe you reminding Namal and his siblings, now out of the woodwork how the family clueless on the subject of finance contributed to the ruin of the country. Having done so the family still live on the country. While living in clover he only pontificates, pretending not to know that the nation is wide awake awaiting judgment day.

Now Namal who  is weeping for the poor blaming the President for the enormous suffering millions undergo where children are without basics did not think of people when the family spent quality time in Dubai when essentials were hard to come by. Can he go before the mirror and ask himself how he and his siblings amassed so much wealth?

People are aware that the family shed crocodile tears to mislead them while living in clover. Namal when the day dawns for you to go before the people you will learn that the grand plans drawn for you for dynastic succession will never materialise as the people are wide awake today.

The concern your family and the Pohottuwa have for the suffering masses is restricted only to words is manifestly clear since you all have twisted the arm of the President and Hot compensation for the burnt houses of politicians on the 9th march 2022. This must be running into billions when funds were not available for healthcare.

Minister Dr Ramesh Pathirana admitted on the DERANA 360 programme that he had received compensation. It goes without saying that corrupt fellows like the man sentenced to jail for extortion too are also beneficiaries since all would have wanted settlement before judgment day.

It’s strange how the hawk-eyed media missed this scoop and trust they will update the people who are on the streets daily asking for a living wage. It’s common knowledge the professionals, the academic community and the public at large are clamouring for relief conscious of the life styles of the ruling mostly unsuitable types in the national legislature.

A.G. Dharmasena

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