
Manifesto: no mention of Amendment 19 or Amendment 20



Pray Sri Lanka pray as five judges deliberate on the country’s future 

by Pro Bono   

Nowhere in the Manifesto has Gota said that he is repealing 19A and introducing 20A to the Constitution. It appears that he has a penchant for being economical with the truth.     

 Gota obtained a two thirds majority by deceiving the people; he posed off as the leader of the anti-MCC Movement. With his ill-gotten majority, he is attempting to push-through 20A for which he does not have the people’s mandate; he would sup with the devil to achieve his ends. 

Terrorist suspect released 

In the meantime, one of the prime Islamic-terrorist suspects in the ‘Easter bombing has been released from custody, purportedly due to lack of evidence 

The country is on tenterhooks while five judges from the Supreme Court, sit in judgment on 39 petitions challenging one of the most controversial amendments to the Constitution ever proposed.  The case promises to be a landmark in Sri Lanka’s political, judicial and cultural history as Sri Lanka’s very existence as a sovereign Nation State may depend on the judicial determination made. 


Government MPs plan to vote against party lines  

Analysts say that a popular Government, in a matter of months, has succeeded in making itself most unpopular by attempting to bulldoze the proposed 20th Amendment through Parliament, with its two thirds majority. 

 Many, within the Government ranks, are opposed to some very controversial aspects in the proposed Amendment; the people are demanding from their representatives to openly vote against party lines if the Amendment are voted on in Parliament; they say that those representatives voting against party lines have the people’s support.     

 The opposition, which only yesterday looked so hopelessly disunited and deflated, has suddenly got a second wind as a result of the proposed Amendment. 

 Strangely, with the massive opposition to 20A, its ‘author’ can be found; Ali Sabry has disclaimed ownership, forcing Gota to claim it as his own! 


 Fast becoming a political joke 

Gota, described by some as a good administrator, has made some serious and embarrassing gaffes, described in certain circles as ‘military buffoonery’. He is fast becoming a political joke and critics cite these instances to make their point: They point out that out of the blues he issued an illegal gazette on Sept. 10, 2020 to give ownership of State land to those squatting  on such land in total violation of an existing statute which is about  ‘Recovering State Land’ from squatters; the gazette was to override a Statute.  

He was caught with his pants down, furtively withdrawing the illegal gazette on getting wind that it would be torn to shreds in a court of law by anyone challenging the illegal gazette. 

Critics also point out to Gota megalomaniacally making ex cathedra type statements and insisting that words flowing from his mouth are like pearls of wisdom having the validity of government circulars.  

 They also refer to his frivolous use of the gazette as when a gazette was published regularizing coconut sales based on caliper and measuring-tape readings.   


Popularity plummets to an all time low 

Some analysts say that within 11 months his popularity rating has plummeted from a 70 percent to a low of 48 percent.  

 His present popularity rating is not entirely due to his non-ending gaffes; Gota secured his victory and his two thirds majority in Parliament by deceiving the people of Sri Lanka; he posed off as Sri Lanka’s flag bearer against the MCC, the most burning issue facing the country  

When the people realized his deception and called his bluff, he ingloriously fell from his pedestal and found it difficult playing a geo-political charade. 


Playing the role of house-negro 

Soon, he was collaborating with the Americans on the MCC Plan to take-over Sri Lanka.   

Today, with Trump going down with COVID, Gota’s actions evoke memories of Malcolm X and his explicit description of ‘House Negros’.  


Sri Lanka fulfills conditions precedent for MCC Land investment 

Much of Gota’s executive actions are based on ‘Conditions precedent for MCC land investment’, the conditions that Sri Lanka is mandated to fulfill, before the Americans condescend to ink the MCC Agreement.  

 In fact, it is being alleged that the so-called ‘bastard’ Amendment 20 was in fact impregnated by the Americans.  


Et tu Gota 

Embarrassed by the faux pas of his younger sibling, Mahinda attempted to rescue Gota from the trap that he was walking into setting up a committee to study and report on the draft of the proposed Amendment.  

 When this report was submitted to the cabinet, Gota, either resenting challenges to his authority or prompted by the Americans, consigned the report to the ‘waste-paper basket’.  


Government has no mandate from the people to repeal or make amendments 

News from the grapevine is that the Americans are following the Supreme Court proceedings with great interest.  

 Although it is being parroted that Gota had included in his Manifesto that the 19th Amendment would be repealed and a 20th Amendment would be introduced, many voters are bewildered as they are unable to find any mention of this in the Manifesto 

 Analysts say that if such a pledge is not in the Manifesto, it would mean that the people have not given Gota a mandate to repeal 19A nor bring in 20A.  

 It would follow therefore that in addition to a two thirds majority in Parliament, the bill would require the peoples’ consent at a referendum. 


Eelamists strategy for a UDI- Dual citizenship 

The proposed 20A includes a section which calls for the repealing of Article 91 (1)(d) (x111) of the present Constitution that debars a foreign citizen from holding political office. 

 If this barrier is removed, the path is cleared for the Americans to capture political power in the Provincial Councils in the North and the East of Sri Lanka through their diaspora-Eelamists having dual citizenship.  

 The Eelam diaspora in the US and other Western countries are awaiting the ‘starting-gate’ to be opened with the passing of 20A.    

Some votaries of Eelam and mercenaries of the US argue that contending for political office and representing people in a political chamber is a right of any citizen of Sri Lanka; they choose to ignore the crux of the counter argument which is not about rights and duties but ‘National Security’. This is the yardstick applied to many rights (for instance ‘The Right to Information’ is denied) when there is a lurking danger to National Security.   

 And to quote Gota from his own Election Manifesto, his priority number One is National Security. It does not require a rocket scientist to understand that dual-citizenship is a major threat to National Security.  

 The danger to our National Security can be perceived given the oath, taken by Rudra Kumaran, Emmanuel, Basil, Hoole and others.    

“I, ……., hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform non-combatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”   


The unfolding American scenario 

The scenario to be considered is this:  

On dual citizens being granted political rights, the diaspora Eelamists capture political power in the North and the East by controlling the Provincial Councils and all other lesser units in those provinces. 

The Americans, (see the MCC document) demand that all State Land – 83 percent of the country – be privatized. (As per the MCC document, the success of the MCC project will be measured by the amount of State Land privatized).  


The dual citizens buy up all State Land in the North and the East 

The US demands for itself the corridor of 1.2 million acres between Trinco and Colombo that will separate and demarcate the North from the South. (See the MCC document; This is where the electrified railway line would run). 

Wigneswaran, who worked on a USAID project on retirement, makes statements to stir up memories of a separate Tamil State; this is a forerunner to a UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence). 

The MCC document re Privatization of State Land runs into flak {Land (Special Provisions) Bill}. 

Gota comes to America’s rescue by issuing an illegal gazette to ‘privatize’ State Land to squatters et al; an open sesame for any one (squatter or otherwise) to register their names as owners of State Land, as per that gazette. 

When land is thus privatized it no longer comes under the control of the Government (the Centre), but that control is automatically devolved to the local provinces and councils. (Without much fuss Amendment 13 has been implemented, circumventing the legal and other barriers). 

Now that these State lands have been privatized it can be sold to any citizen, diaspora or otherwise.  

Gota is caught out and he is forced to withdraw the illegal gazette.  

With Gota’s moves frustrated, MCC partner India steps in; Modi threatens Mahinda, in a  Zoom Conference, to not impede any measures Gota may take to implement 13A which relates to devolving land and Land power to the North and the East. 

When all land in the North and the East are owned by the diaspora Eelamists, when the Councils in those provinces are controlled by the diaspora Eelamists, when there is a definite border separating the North from the South as is the Trinco-Colombo Corridor of the US, the Eelamists have a strong case to Unilaterally Declare Independence. 

If Sri Lanka expresses its opposition to the UDI, and attempts sending troops to the affected area, US troops manning the Colombo-Trincomalee Corridor would prevent that.  UDI is then a done deal, a fait accompli. 

Modi does a Wigneswaran in India. He has awakened the South Indians to their once Greater Eelam dream. The saga of greater Eelam is perhaps not over; the Balkanization of Sri Lanka will catalyze the Balkanization of India.  

With the diaspora Eelamists controlling Eelam, Eelam would be America’s 53rd State; the 53rd State of the US has scope for expansion when ‘Greater Eelam is annexed to Eelam.  


Strong statement by Bar Association 

The Bar Association has come out of its slumber and has done a copious study of the 20th Amendment. That, is a good sign. They have decried that dual citizenship should not be allowed under any circumstances. That is a legal opinion of great import. 


The clock begins to tick 

On May 9, 2019, Gammanpila castigated the US in open Parliament for attempting to exert undue influence on ten judges who were under training in the US; this was telecast by Adaderana News channel; see the link given below. http://www.adaderana.lk/news/55005/us-exerted-influenced-on-sl-judiciary-gammanpila?fbclid=IwAR1gR44V9Gb9EEiK6tIhB8cfYrAo-Zv0F22EcM5eMfZuDSj3jPEUkB1SPE0 


 Today, three of those judges referred to by Gammanpila, are hearing the petitions on the 20th Amendment.  

 It is a trying time for Sri Lanka and the future of the country hangs on a thread; it hinges on the judicial determination that will be made by the five-member bench. 

 Sri Lankans of all ethnicities and faith, you are exhorted to pray for your country and the bench of judges hearing the petitions. They need your prayers and blessings. Pray that they be granted wisdom and strength of character to act righteously to protect our beloved country.

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