Let’s condemn violence, be smart, and unite!
Human rights groups local and foreign, the diplomatic corps of the west, (some of who usually and shamelessly interfere in the internal matters of this country), BASL, and everybody else have unreservedly and rightly so, condemned the dastardly and violent attack Podujana Peramuna goons perpetrated on peaceful protesters in front of the Temple Trees and at the GF Green. Many of them also have stated that the killings, violent attacks, torching of homes and other property had been triggered by the goon attack. For example, “European Union condemns the recent vicious attack against peaceful protestors in Colombo, which triggered further violence.” However, I have sensed a reluctance to condemn as clearly, absolutely and unreservedly the multiple killings, burning down of hundreds of homes, vicious attacks and all other human rights violations triggered by the initial Podujana Peramuna goon attack. I heard a well-known politician tell the media that he was personally happy that if it was only 3 politicians’ houses that were burnt down. To approve violence directly or indirectly or by implication or by omission is a huge mistake, for the sake of the future of our country. We all must condemn all of these acts against humanity clearly, absolutely and with no reservations whatsoever for the following reasons.
These mobs are acting as the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury. This is a very slippery slope. What is next? Who will be found guilty of what “crime”? Are you going to torch the looter’s brother’s house? His Parents’ house? Unfortunately, it is happening already; not only that, even people who have no involvement whatsoever have been “punished by accident”. Then there are the opportunists.
Will the householders of these burnt-down homes, their friends and relatives forget this in six months, and we will be a united country? After how many generations will they stop asking for retribution? We will be a deeply divided country and that will not help to develop this country, to say the least.
We need more foreign exchange immediately. Will more tourists and more investors come to a country where houses are torched and hotels looted by mobs?
Do the next rulers want to inherit such a lawless and deeply divided country to govern ?
This is lunacy and stupidity, pure and simple.
What should we do?
Let’s not talk about human rights only when it serves our interests. Let’s condemn clearly, absolutely and unreservedly and stop this lunacy and ask everybody around us to do so for the sake of our country and our children.
Let’s unite this country and not divide it.
Even if you are not interested in the wellbeing of the country, please consider your self-interest; you will never know when the goons will come to torch your home because they will be the prosecutor, judge and jury.
Let’s break this cycle of violence forthwith.
Let’s be smart.
Let’s spend our precious time creating a corruption-free leadership and supporting them.
Let’s spend our precious time planning how to bring the looted money home instead of spending time blocking the airport entrance day in, day out, scaring away tourists and creating a lawless society and making the law enforcement system impotent and demoralised.
Let’s be smart and find ways to convince the looters (maybe with kindness) to become good citizens. Even after making the desired system-change, we need a law enforcement system with high morale.
Let’s learn to agree to disagree.
We may not be able to become the number one in the world in terms of our material wealth. But we certainly can become the kindest people in the world right at this moment. To do that we have a great asset, teachings from all major religions and we all know the eternal law: hatred is never appeased by hatred but it is appeased only by non-hatred.