Leading Sri Lankan industries curb energy use, cutting costs and carbon
Forty-five representatives from some of Sri Lanka’s biggest industrial energy users, energy consultants and relevant government departments have successfully completed a one-year long internationally recognized energy management course. The energy management plans they implemented as part of the course have already saved 7,200 metric tonnes of GHG emissions, which is the equivalent of taking more than 1,000 petrol cars off the road for 1 year.
Kick-starting a new era of industrial energy efficiency across Sri Lanka, the first batch of 45 Sri Lankan Energy Management System trainees were awarded their graduation certificates at a ceremony yesterday. Supported by the European Union-funded project ‘Accelerating Industries’ Climate Response in Sri Lanka’, this effort has the potential to improve national energy security and help the country meet its climate goals in the coming years.
“The manufacturing sector is a cornerstone of our economy,” said Chief Guest Minister of Industries Dr Ramesh Pathirana. “Our recent energy crisis and the global climate crisis made it very clear that we must find alternatives to fossil fuels. That’s why I am so excited to see some of our biggest players in the manufacturing sector looking at how they can reduce energy waste. It’s a critical part of the clean energy solution for this country.”