
Japan offers SL special vessel to help compile maritime charts



Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko visiting the Colombo Port. (pic courtesy Japanese Embassy in Colombo)

… reminds the need for anti-corruption measures in line with agreement with IMF

Sri Lanka will take delivery of a vessel equipped with a sonar (echo sounder) to be used in the compiling of maritime charts.Japanese Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko made this announcement at a joint media briefing held with her counterpart Ali Sabry, PC, at the Foreign Ministry in Colombo on Saturday (04).

Minister Kamikawa said Sri Lanka was an important partner situated in a strategic location on the sea lanes in the Indian Ocean and Japan would like to actively work with Sri Lanka, the Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) to achieve inclusive growth for the entire Indo-Pacific region. In this regard, Minister Kamikawa conveyed that Japan intends to further strengthen cooperation in the maritime field with Sri Lanka, and Japan has decided to offer a vessel equipped with a sonar to be used for compiling maritime charts. Minister Sabry stated that Sri Lanka is committed to continue contributing to the peace and stability in the Indian Ocean.

At the onset of the briefing, Foreign Minister Sabry welcomed Minister Kamikawa’s visit to Sri Lanka, and expressed his condolences to the victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. Minister Sabry expressed his gratitude for the support from Japan so far, and stated that he would like to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

In response, Minister Kamikawa expressed her gratitude for Foreign Minister Sabry’s message of sympathy for the damage caused by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, and stated that the recent increase in the number of high-level visits is proof of the deepening of bilateral relations between the two countries and that she would do her utmost to strengthen the relationship between Japan and Sri Lanka.

Minister Sabry welcomed the ongoing high-level visits between the two countries including two visits by President Wickremesinghe, and reiterated his appreciation for Japan’s contribution to the discussions on debt restructuring.

Minister Kamikawa commended the Sri Lankan government’s efforts in addressing the debt issues and promoting reforms. At the same time, Minister Kamikawa stated the importance of early signing of the memorandum of understanding on debt restructuring with the Official Creditor Committee and swift implementation of debt restructuring with all creditors in a transparent and comparable manner, as well as the need to work on anti-corruption measures and transparency in the policy making process in accordance with the agreement with the IMF.

Minister Kamikawa also expressed Japan’s intention to further support Sri Lanka’s development by swiftly resuming yen loans for existing projects once the MOU on debt restructuring is signed and the Sri Lankan government’s intention to swiftly conclude a bilateral agreement is confirmed. Minister Sabry explained the recent economic situation in Sri Lanka, and stated that although the situation is gradually improving, Sri Lanka would continue to promote debt restructuring in a transparent manner. Minister Sabry expressed his appreciation for the policy of swift resumption of yen loans for existing projects.

Regarding national reconciliation, Minister Kamikawa commended the Sri Lankan government for making various efforts, and said Japan would also support such efforts. Foreign Minister Sabry explained the Sri Lankan government’s efforts aimed towards national reconciliation, and expressed his appreciation for Japan’s cooperation.”

Japan donated two patrol boats for the Sri Lanka Coast Guard five years ago. The two 30-meter vessels that had been built at the Sumidagawa Shipyard Co. Ltd in Tokyo and were delivered to Sri Lanka on a grant extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) based on the Grant Agreement signed by the Sri Lankan Government and JICA in June 2016 under the project for Maritime Safety Capability Improvement in Sri Lanka.

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