Invest in green energy
Sri Lanka is talking with India about an oil pipeline between the two countries to be built at a cost of four billion dollars. Global oil reserves are rapidly diminishing and in 20 years the price of oil will be exorbitant if available.
That four billion dollars would be better invested in wind, solar, tidal, hydro, thermal and other means of generating renewable power which are abundant, sustainable and green in Sri Lanka. Investors with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) are focusing on green bonds. Sri Lanka is then a good place to invest green for energy.
India has a plan to be a 24/7 provider of green energy to the world. Sri Lanka can be part of that network and export green energy through India. That is earning foreign exchange.
Please think future rather than in limited 20-year time frames. Saudi Arabia is limiting oil export already and investing in solar etc.
Amali De Silva-Mitchell