‘Inspiring Young Minds’
From Yesterday
The second proven method of inspiring young minds is by exemplary life. Rev. Bro. Joseph Fonseka taught us Catholicism in grade 10. One day he made a non-binding but thought-provoking statement. “Some follow these teachings, and some do not.” “To what faction do I fall?”, I contemplated. “The man believed in a way of life, and he practiced it with vigor, not swayed by popular opinion. I must follow what he teaches.” The example was simple but powerful. It made me strive for the mission given to me, independent of public opinion. I think India is what it is today due to the supreme examples set by the likes of Gandhi. If an exemplary life can change the course of a county, it certainly can inspire a person. However, as setting the example is passive in the eyes of the youngster, the effect may take time. However, eventually, understanding will dawn.
Third, we must be joyful to be able to inspire young minds. Irrespective of experiencing delight or pain, deep with the spirit, a person can be joyful. This is a mystery, and it is contagious. The youngster that sees the joyful teacher, despite his or her own agonies, draws close. Minds connect. The very base traits that resulted in the joyfulness get induced in the young mind. There is a professor of finest caliber, who travels to the university by bus, wears simple cloths, but much learned. He always wears a smile and radiates joy, and I was attracted. “Ranga, do not lean you ladder against the wrong wall.” In other words, “know your metrics. Do not take short cuts.” I am partially successful as a researcher, inspired by this simple but joyful man. He delivered a talk last Friday and mentioned about me being inspired by that very sentence. He and I knew each other. A sentence, a word, a mere look from a joyful man can inspire a young mind.
Maris Stella College led by Marist Brothers has inspired young minds for a century. As soon as I enter through the gates of the College a miraculous quietness enters the mind. The noise of the world no longer hinders reflective thinking: it is a place for minds to be inspired. Walking along the clean road, with well-maintained lawns on the right, I come close to the chapel. When I lift my eyes, I see the statue of the Lord with the inscription underneath “All for Jesus through Mary”. Then I meet a reverend brothers, to be greeted using my name. I have received one-on-one guidance at Maris Stella College. Rays of light form the humble and loving lives of Marist Bothers illuminate my mind. They have been exemplary beacons of light. Similes, happiness, peace, and most of all inner joy are the characteristics of Marist life. These colossal figures define the metrics of life. Maris Stella College has been inspiring the minds of you, me, and many, for a century. We are indebted to the College, Reverend Brothers, and teachers. Maris Stella continues to show us the way each step of our life.
What then is our mission in inspiring young minds in the spirit of Maris Stella College? Let’s know that inspiring young minds is key to renewing the world. Let’s gently guide the youngsters to shun away from noise that harm our reflective thinking. Let’s adopt and teach to adopt correct metrics in life. Let’s have mentees and provide one-on-one guidance. Though our exemplary lives, lets continue to be beacons of light to the youngsters. All these, let’s do with a smile on our faces, i.e., with full of joy. Then we will be the generation that inspires young minds as Maris Stella has been doing for a century. Maris Stella, Star of the Ocean, “Show us the Way”. Iter Para Tutum!