
IMF vetoes corruption; fear of religious disturbance; woman power in Parliament



The headline in Tuesday May 16 The Island ran thus: “IMF says addressing corruption key aspect of its programme for SL”. Most heartening to all honest Sri Lankans who are sick to their very core of the corruption among politicians, bureaucrats and various others. It is so rampant that it has become almost a national trait – this cheating and depriving the country, its treasury and the people of what is rightfully theirs. The depths it has sunk to is unbelievable but proven by the alleged bribe taken to stop pressing for compensation from the X-press Pearl ship that sank in Lankan waters and destroyed the marine ecosystem. The country is so in need of forex and here was a golden opportunity to get dollars into our country with absolutely no strings attached; almost a gift from heaven in our dire need. And then to be told the payment of compensation was being prevented by personal insatiable greed of one or many.

The article reported most of what the Director of Asia and pacific Dept, Krishna Srinivasan, said at a press meeting of visiting IMP officials. He detailed the fifth point in the multi-pronged strategy mapped out for Sri Lanka’s economic recovery and resumption of stability as “structural reforms to address corruption vulnerabilities and enhance growth. Anti-corruption and governance reforms are imperative to ensure the hard won gains from the reforms benefit the Sri Lankan people.”

The very next thought that followed the initial hallelujahs on reading the headline was: but will steps be taken by Sri Lankan authorities to stop corruption at all levels and also bring back stolen money and punish offenders – big and small. The very disappointing answer was no, not of the suspected who surely are VVIPs.

Maverick Christian pastor

Cassandra has heard the name Jerome Fernando mentioned in an unsavoury manner. She then heard on TV news of Tuesday May 16 spokesperson for the Catholic Bishops, Rev Fr Cyril Gamini Fernando, addressing the media to categorically state that the Catholic Church had nothing to do with Jerome Fernando; this self-named pastor who was not a Catholic priest. He also said it was surprising why the government had not enquired into this Jerome Fernando’s inflammatory statements maligning other religions. TV news also flashed a colour photograph of this Jerome F with the Rajapaksa Family of Mahinda R, his wife, his son Namal and others. So Jerome is a friend of the family to be photographed thus. Any link between the picture and Jerome not being questioned? If he maligned religions followed in Sri Lanka, then it amounts to encouraging religious disharmony and probable conflagration. Isn’t this sedition?

A coloured boxed news item on page 1 of the newspaper carried this: “Pastor Fernando goes abroad” The short piece says that following President Wickremasinghe’s order that the pastor be questioned for making derogatory statements about Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism, the pastor who calls himself ‘Prophet’ has left the country. In this case, not only has the stable door been closed after the horse has bolted, but it appears the door was wide open to facilitate the slipping away. And the order to open the door must have emanated from a very very influential person.

Sensible views

Cassandra congratulates and commends the article in The Island of Wednesday, May 17 by Andrew Devadason, Vicar – St Paul’s Church, Milagiriya, Colombo, titled Aragalaya, Karadaraya and Mardanaya; System Change. The picture of him in his priestly robes being chased and attacked by a man in a T-shirt and jeans with a policeman, says much as it appears to be during the attack on the Aragalaya by goons fed and alcohol consumed at Temple Trees when Mahinda R was in residence, and set loose to cause havoc among the peaceful protestors in their set up happy, good message conveying Gama. He pleads thus: “My prayer is that the powerful political and religious leaders of this nation along with the simple and the ordinary will hear the lament of Mother Lanka. Please wipe her tears. Sincerely work to relieve her pain.” He concludes thus: “While the Aragalaya is exerting pressure for democracy, good governance, anti-corruption and for accountability, it must continue. It is time that the Aragalaya movement must also find new and creative ways to do it.” And what is ‘it’? A complete system change in the country. Throw out the rotten old rotters and their kith and kin and get true patriots to hold power in Sri Lanka.

Thai elections

System change in governance and power structure seems to have a chance to change with the example set in Thailand – the election of highly educated businessman cum politician Pita Limjaroenrat, just 42 years old, who made a sweeping win in the very recently held elections in Thailand. He comes from a wealthy and influential family; his father and uncle were both advisors to previous governments in power. Basic education was in Thailand and New Zealand, then he earned degrees at the Universities of Texas and Harvard and attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“Voters signaled their rejection of about 10 years of military aligned rule as election results on Monday showed backing two pro-democracy opposition parties.” The highest number of votes was secured by the Move Forward Party led by Pita. It made a clean sweep in Bangkok and combining with Shinawatra’s Party, Pita L has been made Prime Minister. He said his priorities for the country are to “demilitarise, demonopolise and decentralise” within a truly democratic governance. He also aims to reform Thailand’s strict royal insult laws and introduce a new Constitution.

We in this tiny island have seen the infection of Asian flu descending on us. A secret flame burns within Cassandra’s innards as it surely does in many persons that the new wave that has swept Thailand will infect us. It could and should, post-Aragalaya. We however strongly want one change or difference from what has happened in Thailand. We do NOT want a son from a new rich political family to lead our land; unlike what has happened in this neighbouring South Asian country. We know of a son who is very ambitious politically; another who was gifted a doctorate after some other nation send a rocket to outer space for him (Cass may be wrong here); yet another son who tried to open an exit door while the plane was in flight. And how about the son from a supposedly simple VVIP father picking up quarrels, the first being on an eastern beach? We boldly say we do not want such to lead our wonderful country. There are many younger and able MPs and very many young truly dedicated national persons ready to selflessly serve Sri Lanka. So let’s look forward to a sea change with the next elections.

Woman SG of Parliament

Good tidings of great joy to Cassandra and her sisters! Kushani Rohanadeera has been appointed Secretary General of the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Cheers! Well deserved appointment we are certain; and sure are we that the Head of the administrative staff of the House by the Diyawanne, fully experienced as she has served as Deputy SG and Chief of Staff previously, will be efficient. We know the tasks she has to perform are onerous from reading S Nihal Seneviratne ‘s memoir of his 33 years as SG of Parliament – A Clerk Reminisces. Much more revealing are the stories narrated by Galba!! Her work could be tiresome too with having to accommodate 225 MPs, some uneducated, some cantankerous, some demanding. She sure will cope.

Kushani follows a line of distinguished Clerks and Secretaries General. Cassandra mentions just four of them: R St. L P Deraniyagala; S Sam Wijesinghe, S Nihal Seneviratne and Bertram Tittawela. We wish her well and know she will shine forth as a committed, completely honest and unbiased S G. She is a woman, isn’t she, with feminine strength that often outdoes men’s commitment. and tenacity.

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