
Illegal gem mining rampant at Amara Wewa but officials claim ignorance



By Amila Sampath Sri

Illegal gem mining continues unabated on a large scale in the Amara Wewa area that belongs to Bogahawewa reserve in Tissamaharama.Environmentalists claim that serious ecological issues have already arisen due to the illegal gem mining.During a visit to the area, reporters saw a large area cleared by gem miners, using backhoes and other such heavy equipment.

When the Forest Conservation Office at Lunugamvehera was contacted, officials there claimed they had not been informed of such illegal activities.

Environmentalists say those who live nearby used to carry out small-scale gem mining for a long time. However, illegal gem mining became a serious problem, in recent years, due to the activities of a senior Forest Conservation officer there, Environmentalists claim.

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