Have an MP for each constituency
Ever since the proportional representation (PR) system was introduced to the election process in Sri Lanka in 1982, there were enough and more instances with multiple MPs representing the same electorate, and some others left with no representatives. This unsavory situation has continued for decades in some electorates.
Needless to say this situation created a lot of hardships for the people from these unrepresented constituencies, by not having them represented in parliament. It is sad this situation has continued for almost four decades. Further, this is a very undemocratic situation prevailing in a democratic structure, expected to be reinforced by the parliament.
In my opinion, this could be easily remedied by letting elected candidates select the constituencies of their choice, according to the preferential votes polled by them, regardless of the political party they represent. This would mean the candidate with the highest preferential votes would have the first choice to select any constituency he or she prefers within the district, and others could follow suit as per their polled preferential votes. This would not only help voters to have them represented in parliament, it would also help reinforcing the spirit of representative parliamentary democracy.
I hope this proposal will receive due consideration from HE the President and the other responsible authorities.
Jathika Sanvardana Peramuna